Chapter 64: Temporary Bliss

Start from the beginning

But three of those people who know me extremely closely. Sam is the love of my life and Peter and Tom are my best friends, and in a way they can understand why I haven't said anything. And Sage barely even knew me, so me hiding this means nothing really. The others in Abel though... my kids, some of the other runners, Maxine and Paula, how will they feel when they find out what I've kept from them?

I'm not going to say that Sam or Tom or Peter knew before anyone else, just because I don't want them to be looked at differently because they chose to respect my privacy. I don't want Jody getting mad at Tom for not telling her, or Janine getting upset with him and Peter, or Maxine and Paula being upset with Sam.

I've made my bed, and eventually I will have to lie in it, and I plan on lying on it alone. It was my secret and they shouldn't be punished for keeping it.

I think that's the reason Sam is asking if it's so bad that Paula knows. I know he doesn't like lying to her or Maxine. Plus if I am mortal, I won't have to worry about them asking me to use myself as a human shield or anything like that.

And if I'm mortal, I'll have to keep in mind that I am being careful on missions not to keep others from finding out that I'm immortal, but instead so I don't die.

It's going to get some getting used to.

"We don't know if I'm mortal yet, or if I'm just really sore," I say, hoping my conflicted feelings aren't showing up on my face. "I did run and climb a lot yesterday. And I had to run back to the camper van so we could drive home. I want to wait until we know for sure, so we can be for sure that this works and I'm mortal. I don't... I don't want to be put through unnecessary pain. Just because I'm willing to get hurt doesn't mean I want to be used as one of the first solutions so everyone else is okay.

"And once we're sure I'm mortal, we can actually announce it and then Peter will be able to get the treatment too." Another shift, and another wince. "But whatever's going on, it hurts. I don't have any other runs scheduled in the next few days, do I?"

"Uh..." Sam looks back at his desk, moving around the papers that lay about, some crumpled or stained. "No, doesn't look like it. Uh, raise the gates! Hopefully those meds you got will last awhile, Tom."

He waits a few more seconds to make sure Tom's back in Abel and the gates are shut before turning off his mic to look at me. He holds his schedule in his hand. "And for you, Callista, your next big run is for the celebration of the Exmoore Militia taking over the efforts against the V-Types."

He stands up and stretches, before giving me a grin. "Also, I don't think I told you how genius it was for you to take up that offer from Halima when she said anything you needed, New Oban will help with."

I smile at his flattery. "Well, we needed someone who could trust in Abel. I mean, while they don't know much about me or Abel, we did save them, and we need someone who will help us in this alliance since everyone seems to be on shaky ground with the Exmoores taking over. They're not the ones everyone likes best, but the ones everyone is least wary of, so if something happens, everything could collapse."

"Oh, I agree. Having New Oban integrate themselves to support the Militia was a good favor to ask. But since they're actually going to start communicating with the world again, everyone wants to get on their good side."

I have to resist the urge to laugh, because nothing has ever been truer. Amelia has been more than happy to send some of her folk from New Canton to help catch some of the newly elected leaders-one of those leaders being Halima-all that's happened since they went radio silent, along with helping in distributing the cure.

We need someone stable. We can't risk falling apart when we're so close to finally coming together. If we work together, then maybe we can find a way to stop these V-Types before it's too late.

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