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Draco Malfoy

"You should totally wear a dress to the feast tomorrow." I said enthusiastically. "That's- not how this works. I'm non-binary, not transgender." Blaise replied. "Whatever. You'd look good in a dress." The two of us sat on the couch in the Slytherin common room in silence. Barely any Slytherins had returned, so us and Pansy basically had the whole place to ourselves. "Okay but what if I wear a dress too?" I asked. "I'm not wearing a fucking dress, Draco. But if you want to wear a dress, go nuts." Blaise said coolly. I rolled my eyes. "Didn't Pansy's class end like 15 minutes ago?" I then asked. Blaise checked his watch. "Yeah. She'll probably be here any second." They then said. We sat in silence again. "We're really dependent on her aren't we." I asked. Blaise answered with a chuckle.

Suddenly the door flew open. "Ah. There you two are." Professor McGonagall said as she walked in. Blaise and I made eye contact. "I believe you will want to head to the hospital wing. Miss Parkinson and Miss Granger were brought there earlier." McGonagall continued. "What?! Pansy's in the hospital?! What happened?! Is she okay?!" Blaise freaked out immediately. I narrowed my eyes. "Did they fight?" I asked. It would be such a Pansy thing to do to get into a fight with Granger. "Yes, she's alright. Although the mental damage might be worse. And no, they did not fight." McGonagall said strictly. "Mental damage...?" Blaise muttered. I grabbed Blaise's wrist and dragged them past McGonagall out of the room.

Not long after, we reached the hospital wing. Inside there was Pansy, sitting on a bed and looking annoyed. She didn't seem to be hurt bad. Next to her was a small crowd of people around a bed. Considering it were mostly Griffindorks, it was probably Granger on the bed. Me and Blaise hurried towards Pansy. "What The hell did you do this time?" Blaise asked annoyed. Pansy smiled and rolled her eyes. "She's been refusing to tell us what she did to Hermione!" Weasel yelled. He and Potter positioned so they stood right in front of Blaise and me. I glanced at the bed behind them. Granger lied there, asleep or unconscious, with bandages around her ribs. She had bruises and some kind of circles on her arms. Her entire neck was bruised as well and she was shaking.

"Wow, you really got her this time, Pans..." Blaise mumbled. "See?! I told you that bitch did this to her!" Weasel yelled. "I did not fight her!" Pansy yelled in return. A whole lot of shouting from everyone except Pansy and Granger started. Everyone was furious. "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Pansy suddenly screamed. Somehow everyone went silent. "Dont you morons think she could've taken me? Honestly she's better then me in every way, I couldn't do this to her even if I wanted to." Pansy said coldly. Blaise and I frowned at her as the Griffindorks considered her point. I leaned closer to Pansy. "She's not better than you." I whispered. Pansy glared at me, clearly not convinced.

"Okay that's a valid point. So, what happened then?" Weasley asked.

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