A new mystery part 3

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HOLD UP HOW DID THIS GET OVER 20 VIWS,THANKS FOR RIDING THE BOOK.But whiteout anymore intruding let's get his chapter started!


Decans pov:
I herd shouting and arguing,ofc it was about me.... I was the only problem in this house.After a minute or two I herd glass brake."What was that!?" I said as I stood up and walked or should I say ran almost tripping to the door.I looked through the key hole and I saw a broken vase."Mom probably broke it trying to make a loud noise so dad stopped screaming and shouting."I waked to my window thinking all the problems in the world were because of me.Looking out of the wind to see the stars that could be seen made me always feel better but this time I saw that kid from earlier also enjoying the view.I'm pretty sure he felt me looking at him and that's why he looked at me and waved in a way of saying "hi",I waved back smiling that someone was willing to even look at me and not be mad.But then he pointed at the other side of the room and waved "bye".I honestly was still happy that he said hi in the first point but today was going to be long....very long.
The next day at 6:00

Fresh pov:
Ahhh how nice it was waking up so early in the morning,wen you don't have school it's a little boring but there are a lot of things you can do.Well today I wanted to talk to the new boy that moved."He ........seams nice,very nice and sweet!"I was excited,but I have to wait till he's awake.As usual I got up and walked to my window,it was a sunny morning so it looks like we can take a walk around and talk!As I was looking at the street down below I saw him walk out of his house but he looked sad? More of guilty and in pain.I got up and changed since I already had my clothes out since last night,I always get them ready a day before! And by the thorough of that I finished and went downstairs.Everyone was asleep so I just left a note saying I went on a walk.
Then I saw him,he was sitting alone.

"Hey there!"

"Hm?o-oh hi?"

"Are ya ok,ya don't seam fine in my a pinion"


"It's ok broski,take it slow and if ya think I'll tell anyone your very wrong!"

"O-oh ok tank you!"

"......ya seam nice and sweet,ya don't deserve to be crying or even sad."

He blushes a bit wen I said nice and sweet,I mean it's a complement and he seams shy so that's normal

"I-thank you....... no one ever said that to me before....your the first one!"

"Hm?really,well I'll have you know your also shy in a adorable way!"

I think he understood I meant it in a friendly way,I didn't mean it in a flirty way!

"Aww t-tank you!"

"Well can you tell me what's wrong?It would make ya feel better!"

"H-heh then take a seat,it's a l-lot."

I took a seat and he started to talk,he told me about him bing sick and his parents.....mostly his dad wo abused him on a regular bases and his mom faking her emotions or making small things seam bigger,it broke my hart..I don't know how he did it but I felt bad,really bad.Wen he finally finished I hugged him.

".....It's ok,if you need a friend I'll be here"

I didn't know what I was saying,it just came out

"I-I .... thank you!"

He said that while he was in tears ..... I just hugged him tightly,I didn't want anyone hurting him.He was to important to me now but he is still a mystery.......

A new feeling ? Fresh x decans mommy cqOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant