In my dreams part 1

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Talking to them selfs = underlines
Talking to someone =normal


Geno's pov :
Its fun to talk to Mr.Azy but I'm getting tiered and mom said that I should go to bed wen I want to sleep or get tiered
"Hey Mr.Azy ? Can I please go to bed ?"
I said trying to keep my eyes from closing
"Go ahead Geno you need to rest"
On that note I went to my room and as soon as I crawled in my bed I feel asleep
————In Geno's mind/dream————
(Still Geno's pov)
I woke up in a land covered in roses and flowers in all sorts of colors.It was a amazing view and so relaxing,but I herd a voice humming a song of some sort.I started to listen closely and got near the humming,it was a boy? He was making a flower crown.It looked so pretty as I stepped closer he didn't notice me at all but soon I said something
"For wo is that?"I said with a happy voice
"AHH,YOU SCARED ME!"the boy screamed in pure shock
"Oh,sorry my fault."I said a little disappointed in my self for scaring him like that
"N-no it's ok ."he said trying to make me feel less guilty
"So is that crown for someone?" I asked once again hopping for a answer
"No,I just wanted to practice making flower crowns that's all"
"Oh well can you show me how to make them ?"
"S-sure ting!?" He said moving a little to the right and making some space for me to sit
After a bit of time we started to talk he said his name is Reper and he dosen't have a mom or dad,I told him about my brothers and we started to chitchat
"So how did you get here?" Reper asked me
"I just went to sleep and then poof I was here" I answered
Ok so I'm tired but I will try and make the next part longer but I hope you enjoyed
Words : 341

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