In my dreams part3

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Geno's pov:
Please tell me that was not just a dream,please tell me Reper is real!
As I was thinking that i fell out of my bed making a crash sound . I saw Fresh open the door in a hurry to see what happened,he looked at me confused.
"Ya broski what happened to ya!?"

"I just f-fell,that's all."

"Whatever you say bro."
He helped me get up and sit on my bed.Then he wanted to leave but I had to ask him.

"Hey Fresh..?"

"Yeah broski?"
Fresh was the smartest person I knew,sorry error. So if something like this was possible he would know...right?

"D-do multiverses exists?"

"...I can't give ya a straight answer,but as far as I believe and know there is a chance."


"Wow you look happier then ink after eating sweets bro!"

"Oh,well do they really exist?"

"I think so,but why do you wanna know bro?"

"Just asking."

"Oh ok"
Then he left the room like nothing happened but to me life loved me that moment.

Fresh's pov:
Well that was...different,Geno never asks this kind of stuff. I think or is he?
I asked myself over and over again till i was at my room.
Maybe he's interested in this stuff now? I honestly don't know...
Sorry this is short I have some school work to do and so I had to make it short
Words = 245

A new feeling ? Fresh x decans mommy cqHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin