Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"It's good to see you awake! You definitely had a lot of us worried! How are you feeling, dear?" Rey asked, her eyes trailing from the vital signs machine to the IV pump delivering fluids into your circulatory system. 

"I have a slight headache, but other than that, I'm feeling alright." you said, giving her a small smile. She beamed brightly at both you and Kylo, nodding her head while you spoke. Rey was lean and tiny in stature, but definitely made up for it in her personality. She slid her bright yellow stethoscope from around her neck, careful not to tear down her line of carefully crafted buns that started at the crown of her head. 

"Alrighty, I'm just going to take a quick listen to you again, is that okay?" she asked, the words rolling off of her tongue in a perfectly whimsical English accent. You nodded, resting your head against the pillow, attempting to relax again while she pressed the bell of her stethoscope to your chest. Briefly, you could feel Kylo tighten his grip on your hand, watching Rey as if she were crossing a line that you were blatantly unaware of. 

As she moved the stethoscope bell from your chest to your stomach, another knock on the door pulled your attention away. Vicrul and Kaydel traipsed in, cheeks flushed and hair mussed, bags filled to the brim with Chinese takeout, smiling ear to ear as if they had been caught. You couldn't help the urge to roll your eyes at them. 

"Well, you seem to be doing much better. I'm sure that once you get some food in your system, you will be perfect for discharge in the morning! If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to call out to the nurses." Rey beamed, resting her delicate hand on your shoulder. You sat up in your bed, adjusting your pillow to rest behind your back. 

"Do you happen to have my lab results? Anything abnormal? Possibly something that showed up in a toxicology screen?" you asked, watching Rey as she stepped back, looking over a clipboard she had tucked under her arm. 

She began to chew on the inside of her cheek, almost as if she were unwilling to divulge the information. 

"Actually, no. Besides your blood alcohol level, which was only slightly elevated, everything else was within normal limits." Rey said, glancing over the laboratory results printed in black and white in front of her. You furrowed your brow, shaking your head. 

"May I?" you asked, holding out your hand, hoping to glance over the results yourself, to make sense of everything that transpired. Rey handed you the results, albeit hesitantly, settling for interlacing her hands in front of her. 

As you glanced over the paperwork, the reasoning behind your syncopal episode seemed like a stretch, leaving you more perplexed than before. You handed the results back to Rey, giving her a sad smile, mumbling a small 'thank you' to her as she accepted them back. 

"One more thing, your brother told me that you had a heart condition. Now, I know that you are a medical professional yourself, but have you seen a cardiologist before? If not, a colleague of mine is one of the best in the city, and I wouldn't mind to write you a referral to see him with your discharge paperwork." She added, also making it a point to look around at the others in the room, almost as if she knew that you would be noncompliant. 

"I had one, but she retired, and I could just never work it around in my schedule to see someone. She monitored me over the years, but nothing of importance would ever show up on the Holter monitors. I feel that if I saw someone else, it would be just as inconclusive as before." you said with a shrug, reaching over to the over-the-bed table for a glass of water. Rey nodded as you took a drink, your mouth no longer feeling like the Sahara desert. 

"I understand. I will make the referral anyway, that way, should you decide to see him, the option is there." She smiled, inching closer to the door. You nodded, setting the glass down and relaxing against the pillow against your back. 

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