Ghost!Moontail,Flarepelt,And Project and Alive!Froststar

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TWS: Very lightly implied suicide, talk about murder, talk about death,  talk about revenge, ghosts, aggression, general angst.

   Froststar weaved his body through the closely knit trees. His paws snagged on a pine needle or leaf every other step. His tail flicked in annoyance as he stopped briefly. A flicker of black fur dashed through the end of the tree line. Moontail was here now. Froststar smiled although his icy eyes held pain, and even slight guilt. Froststar sighed gently before walking forward once more. Froststar sat his fluffy body down on a smooth rock that sat against a rushing river. He heard his name called but his eyes held onto the river for a moment longer.

"Hi Froststar!"" Moontail meowed from where they perched on a tree that sat next to the river.

"Hey Yin." Froststar replied. They had given eachother the nicknames "Yin" and "Yang" since they were black and white cats. "Do you know if anyone else came today?" He was tempted to add 'Not that I don't like spending time with you.' but he decided against it. Moon would know what he meant.

Moontail frowned a bit. "No, sorry. Flare said he wasn't feeling well and... who knows what Project is out doing." Moontail hopped down from the tree and sat in front of Froststar, their face holding gentle sympathy. Froststar's face was emotionless as he studied Moontail. His ears lowered as his eyes narrowed. He was looking through Moontail's transparent form. Their whips of thin fur. The cuts, always bleeding a weird green goo. Froststar frowned, clenching his paws and ripping at the grass. This shouldn't... this shouldn't be like this. Nothing should be like this. He, Moontail, and Flarekit-...pelt should all be nestled in a nest together. The two cats of the trio purring as the other's tail wagged. They should be talking about things. Talking about life. Talking about things that made them happy.

It shouldn't be like this.

That lowlife tom that had ruined Froststar's life... by taking other's. He would pay. Froststar got up, his tail bristling as he glared. His pink nose twitched as he spirited off into the forest, ignoring his mate calling after him.

He would pay.

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