No Rain

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"All I can say is that my life is pretty plain"

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"All I can say is that my life is pretty plain"

*          *          *

   Aurora sipped her wine and sat down at the kitchen island next to Penelope. She eyed the pasta in front of her before looking up at Rossi. 

   "Italian Americans annoy me, you know?" Aurora said.

   "Do they?" Rossi asked, raising his eyebrow.

   "Mhm, it's like they constantly have to remind you that they're Italian-American. Even if their family has been in America for the past 10 generations. You're not Italian-American just because your name is Antonio and you occasionally make homemade pizza!"

   "Wow...tell us how you really feel."

   "I am."

   Derek chuckled into his glass of wine before subtly giving Aurora a fistbump. Bella rolled her eyes and huffed, annoyed by her sister's attitude. 

   "Sorry about her," Bella said. "She doesn't really have a filter."

   "No worries," Rossi said as Aurora stuck out her tongue at Bella, warranting Bella to furrow her eyebrows and roll her eyes once more. "This is a very special pasta recipe from the Rossi family, passed down for many generations. So enjoy!"

   Rossi handed everyone their bowls of pasta, thick red sauce and garlic covering it. Aurora picked up her fork to begin digging into it before Rossi grabbed it from her, the young woman letting out a groan.

   "But before we dine, I'd like to make a toast," he said, raising up his glass of wine. "Here is to an incredible team. We've been through a lot as of lately, but we still managed to stick together. We still managed to still be a family. This just goes to show that no matter how many serial killers we deal with or how many international terrorists we deal with...we are still a family. And family always sticks together no matter what. Ti amo!" 

   "Ti amo!" Bella and Emily repeated back as the rest of the team smiled and laughed. 

   Everyone held up their wine glasses, cheering each other before Rossi finally let them dig into their pasta. The second Aurora bit into the pasta, she regretted ever insulting Rossi. The older man laughed to himself as he watched her devour the pasta, soon coming back for seconds.

   Bella looked around at the team and smiled to herself. Everything felt normal again. Spencer and JJ laughed together, Derek and Emily joked together, and even Hotch stuck around Bella all night. This felt like home again, the family that Bella could count on no matter what.

   Her heart felt full.

*          *          *

   "Why do you think Alistair valued honesty?" Milo asked, spinning in his chair and fiddling with a pencil.

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