Till Forever Falls Apart

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"I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart, I swear that I'll be yours forever"

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"I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart, I swear that I'll be yours forever"

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   "The building is rigged with multiple explosives," Hotch said, his hand resting on his gun. "We need to evacuate all the children and get away from here as soon as possible."

   "All the children are out," Ashley said, her eyes scanning over the group of young children in front of them.

   "What about Chloe?" a little girl with black pigtails asked. 

   Bella furrowed her eyebrows and looked over at one of the orphanage workers, "Chloe? Who is Chloe?" 

   The worker's hands flew to her mouth as she let out a loud gasp, "Oh my god. Chloe is one of the children that sleep walks, she wanders around the house sometimes and hides. She gets into little crevices and sometimes...sometimes we can't find her."

   "Ma'am, is Chloe out here right now?" Derek asked. 

   The woman's eyes scanned the group of children before she began to shake her head, "No, no she's not out here. Oh my god, she's still in that building." 

   Bella's eyes flew over to the large stone building as the night sky draped behind it. There was still a little girl trapped inside, along with multiple explosives rigged to go off at any moment. Bella's heart began to race, knowing they only had minutes before the entire building would be engulfed in flames and be nothing but rubble. 

   Spencer began to breathe heavily as his eyes scanned over the building. His mind began to race, thinking over any possible solution. He felt helpless knowing that that little girl was trapped inside. She couldn't die. He'd be haunted by it for the rest of his life.

   Looking over at Bella, he took in one final look at his beautiful fiancé. He loved her, he loved her so much. He hoped that she would understand.

   "Bella Snow," he said, getting her attention. "I love you."

   Planting a kiss on her forehead, he took off towards the building, swinging open the doors and rushing inside. He ignored the screams behind him as he ran deeper into the building, searching for the missing little girl.

   "NO!" Bella screamed. "SPENCER! NO!"

   She felt Hotch's strong hands holding her back as she attempted to run in after him. She struggled against Hotch's strong grip, trying to squirm her way out of his hands and into that building. He ignored her pleas and cries, only focusing on trying to contain her.

   Before another cry could leave her mouth, Bella watched as the building exploded, glass and rubble flying everywhere. What once stood a beautiful orphanage, was now a big ball of flames. Flames that had just killed Spencer.

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