Ch. 4~Joining the Team.

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-Roxy P.O.V-

I walk up too the door standing in front of it hesitating a bit. Tony said I was finally allowed too meet the others on the team. I stop before the door hearing Tony talking. "So now that I have everyone here I'd like too introduce the last member of the team." He says as I open the door going in making him turn around looking at me. "Roxy you always have perfect timing." He says walking over too me giving me a hug before walking me over too what I was assuming was the rest of the team. I don't even get a word out before one of the members quickly excuses himself taking off. "Hm wonder whats up with Capsicle." He says leaning over on one of the tables in the lab. "Well anyways let me introduce you. "Roxy this is Bruce, Thor, Clint and Nat-" "Natasha." I say a huge smile on my face as she walks up too me giving me a hug. "Long time no see, I was honestly hoping when Tony said we had a new member it would be you." She said making Tony look at us confused. "Wait you two know each other?" He asks looking at Nat now waiting for her too explain. "She trained me after you recruited me, and we've been on a few missions since then." I answer him look at him then back at Nat. "Alright that makes my job easy. Anyways the other guy that just walked out is Steve Rogers, or aka Captain America." He says rolling his eyes slightly. I look towards the door that Cap just walked out of. So that was Captain America. A lot more rude than my mom said he was. "Don't be bothered by him, I don't know what came over him too leave like that." Tony says coming up behind getting my attention. You mean it wasn't because he didn't wanna meet a new person?

-Steves P.O.V-

I walk outside letting a breath out that I didn't know I was holding. It couldn't be, there was no way. She looked just like her but she didn't have any kids. I look out at the horizon getting lost in my thought. The only one that was gonna answer my questions was Peggy. I go back inside getting the keys too my bike before taking off too Peggy. I walk in asking if she was able too visit at that time. The nurse nods at me and then lets me go on my way knowing I had been there multiple times before. I walk into the room leaning against the doorway as she looks out the window. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her.." She says as if reading my mind. "You knew?" I ask coming into the room sitting in the chair next too her bed. "I was there when she found her." She says making me frown in more confusion. "Found her? You mean she's not actually.." I say a mixture of confusion and surprised laced in with my voice. She nods before turning and looking at me. "We were on a mission, and she didn't wanna leave her behind not caring if it was a trap she almost ran down there too save her. After that she adopted her as her own, and raised her until she was 17. That's when Megan passed away and she adopted by the Starks 4 years before they were killed as well leaving her, and Tony left with each other." I lean foreward putting my face in my hands. It didn't make sense why she looked so much like her. Exact same hair colour, and style. Her height, body type. It was all her. "Steve? Is everything okay?" She says making me look at her now nodding taking a deep breath leaning back now. "Yeah I just can't believe they aren't actually related, and as soon as I saw her I was just so confused. You told me Megan didn't ever get married, nor have children so I didn't understand. I still don't." I say looking out the window now confused thoughts swirling in my head. "None of us did, everyone thought there was maybe something more too the girl, like maybe she had some sort of powers that she did that without knowing, but we never knew though because Megan never let anyone at the agency meet her except Howard, and I, and some people thought it was because she was hiding something about her they didn't want them too know." She says as I continue too just stare out the window. "I guess there would be only one way too find out now, and that maybe explains why she's on the team." I say looking down rubbing the back of my neck thinking about the introduction. Immediately hits me. Wait getting too know her might be a little more difficult seeing she probably has no desire too talk too me after that...

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