Ch. 7~We need too prepare~

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-Roxy's P.O.V-

I sit on my knees on the ground my head pounding, my body feeling a million degrees. Not again...I thought too myself. I focussed on it trying too control the pain slowly I cry out in hopes it will help, but it doesn't. I hear a familiar voice calling my name out while slightly shaking my shoulders. As soon as I opened my eyes too see the voice. I am instantly calmed by the blue eyes in front of me. My temperature comes down, and the pain is no longer there. I get so caught up in his eyes I don't realize he's trying to get my attention, and that..My head was laying on his shoulder and we were basically cuddling my cheeks turned bright red as I quickly moved over clearing my throat. "Sorry I didn't realize I fell asleep." I say looking around trying not too make eye contact with him. "Where are we?" I ask noticing the vehicle has stopped. "U-uh that's what I was trying too wake you up for. We're at the airport, and it sounds like we should probably suit up just incase things get a little ugly when we try and leave." He says too me before scooting over too the other side too open his door and get out. Before I even get the chance too open the door Steve is right there opening it for me. He holds his hand out for me too take it a soft genuine smile on his face. I smile at him back slowly taking his hand as he helps me out. He closes the door behind me still holding my hand looking at me. See I always liked Steve, and always thought he could be boyfriend material, but we're coworkers, and that's weird, and also Nat, and I always tried to get him with Sharon, and from what happened earlier I could tell he was finally taking our advise. Before I can say anything I notice him look down at my chest, and his smile slightly fading. I furrow my brow and look down and notice my necklace isn't tucked inside my shirt, I quickly tucked it back in before looking back up at Steve. I notice him slightly staring at my face before putting his hand on my cheek. I close my eyes leaning into his hand as I take a few shakey breaths. "You don't have too do this, you could just take the car and go.." He says too me obviously knowing I'm nervous. "Cap you suggest I leave every time somethings about too get dangerous, and what do I tell you every time." I respond too him raising my eyebrow up at him as he just smiles shaking his head. "But this time it's different. These are our friends we're fighting, and your brother...Are you sure you can do that?" He asks me a little more serious coming a little bit closer too me. He moves his hand from my cheek too my chin. I nod at him looking him in his eyes. This time was different though. I felt a sense of deja-vu, and I know I've probably looked into Steves eyes a million times, but this time was different. He nods at me before stepping away and leading me too get my weapons. I smile at the already open trunk. I see all my main weapons, and also all the extra ones. "She really brought all our stuff." I say too Steve as I start pulling out the gun holders when I see a backpack. I reach for it opening it seeing my latex suit. I whine slightly. Sharon that bitch. I pick up the back pack slinging it over shoulder with a huff. "All of you go stand over there, I'm changing in the car, and if you hear any sorts of struggle don't mind it, it's normal." I say before getting back in the backseat of the car. I try too quickly, and effectively put my suit on and after about fighting it for 5 minutes I managed too get it on. I open my door peaking my head out too see all three boys standing with there backs facing me. I quietly bring my feet out too put my boots on. That was the easiest part probably. I think too my self trying not too laugh at my own thoughts. I look over again too see if they're still looking away. I see that they are so I quickly get up. I quickly try too pull the zipper up the front but before it gets barely half way the zipper gets stuck. Shit not again. I start trying different ways too pull the zipper up. I sigh a blush appearing on my face knowing I was gonna have too ask the other boys for help again. "U-Um Steve or Bucky? Could I get some help from one of you?" I say slightly looking over then back down at the zipper still trying too pull it up. I get more nervous hearing the footsteps coming over hoping it's Steve or even Sam seeing they help with this all the time. My black, and silver laced bra just out for the world too see at the moment. "U-Uh can I help?" I hear the voice of Bucky say obviously nervous, and/or flustered. I take a deep breath unable too make eye contact my face turning red. "I uh..So Sharon grabbed me the wrong outfit...And...Well I can't get my zipper up, and I've tried everything." I say a little quickly the blush rising more, and more, as I stood almost exposed in front of a man I just technically met yesterday. At least Steve is normally one of the main people to help me with this suit because of how many missions we've gone on together so it wasn't awkward anymore. "U-um do you mind if I try?" He asks me as I finally look up at him the embarrassment obviously painted on my face. "P-Please do?" I ask him moving my hands too the top of it holding the top together so I can somewhat not flash him. I feel his hand take the zipper moving it almost all the way down then back up again. He swiftly gets it with the first try. I look at him the embarrassment fading as he's looking at the necklace obviously showing now. He quickly turns away going too walk away. "I should let you finish getting ready." He says starting too walk away from me. "Hey um thanks for helping.." I say with a nervous chuckle making him turn back around too look at me a genuine smile on his face. "Anytime." He says with a slight wink before turning back around. I blush again closing the door walking back over too the back of the car. I start pulling out all my weapons, and weapon carriers and strap them too my body. "So what was that about?" I hear the familiar voice of Steve come up beside me. He leans against the car a smirk on his face. "My zipper on my suit got stuck as usual." I respond nonchalantly trying too show that i'm not exploding with embarrassment. I see Steve nod his head at me. "Alright if you say so." He says with a chuckle before patting me on the back going over too Bucky. I could only imagine what he's saying too him.

-Bucky's P.O.V-

I leave Roxy taking a breather. Oh boy. My heart needs too calm down as it beats what feels like a million beats per minute. I am knocked out of my thoughts by Steve. "So good first impression?" I hear him say making me groan and bury my face in my hands. The metal feeling nice on my hot face. "Why did it have too be me, why couldn't you have gone?" I ask him a dragged out groan again. He chuckles at me. "Hey it forces you two too get closer." He says laughing at my embarrassment. I moved my hands from my face looking at Roxy in front of me. "You know she's actually a lot like Megan." He says too me snapping me out of my trance. I guess I had been staring and I didn't notice. I hear the slight sadness in his voice. "That's what I don't understand. Her personality the same, she looks the exact same, and even has the ring I gave her, like do they even know each other?" I ask looking at him confusion swarming my brain again. "They know each other...They technically aren't related though." He response kind of quietly looking down unable too make eye contact. I turn and look at him waiting for him too continue. "Well from what I heard from Peggy was basically she trained as an agent with her. At some point during a mission she rescued a little girl. Too try and fill the void you left unable too be with anyone else she adopted her. When the little girl would have been seventeen Megan took a mission, and she knew how dangerous it was but despite it she still went. Before Megan left though, she left one of her most personal possessions too her." He says making me look down too the ground. He takes a deep breath running a hand through his hair. "She was killed by her target before she got too him." I heard those words and it felt like my heart was torn in half. I single tear falls. "Is everything okay here?" I hear a painfully familiar voice say. I wipe away any trace of a tear before looking at the girl in front of me. Her slightly concerned eyes meeting mine. My heart drops into my stomach now feeling sick just looking at her. "Everything's fine." I say turning away walking away from her, and Steve. I go too the most airy area. None of it made sense, I leaned against one of the poles trying too breath. So they were related but not actually? I don't understand why she looks just like her..

-Roxy's P.O.V-

I watch Bucky walk away from me obviously upset. I turn too a sad Steve. "Do I cause him that much pain?" I ask him as Steve just continues too look at the ground. I look away from Steve too the ground. "I don't think it's you that's causing him pain." He says quietly still unable too look up from the ground. I nod at him not wanting too know anything else. He gets up going walking past me too go talk too Sam I'm assuming. I lift my head too look around noticing he's not talking too Sam, he's talking too Clint, Wanda, and a new guy. Before I can ask anything we're interrupted by an announcement. "They are evacuating the the airport." I hear Bucky say as we all turn too look at him. "Stark." I hear Sam say as we all turn back too Steve waiting for his instructions. Cap nods at us. "Suit up." He said walking over too the car picking up his shield turning towards the three new people with us.

I think I know you. Bucky X OC(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now