CH. 8~Our Big Battle

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-Roxy's P.O.V-

I pull my sniper case out of the back of the car before walking up too Clint. "Shall we go too our spots." He says offering his arm. I laugh slightly before taking his arm. "Of course." I say as we let go of each others arms him taking my case as we go running too the higher grounds. We get too my spot first and I get set up before he takes off too his spot. I make sure I have proper aim before hearing Steves voice on the coms. "Clint, and Roxy you guys ready?" Steve asks into the coms. "Ready" Both me and Clint say at the same time. Then through my scope I follow Steve out into the open. I hear the familiar sounds of Tony's, and Rhodes suits. I jump from looking a Steve too following them. "Do you see them Rox?" I hear Clint ask over the coms. "Yes Steve they're coming in-" I'm cut off by Tony shooting something at the helicopter Steve walks up too. My finger flies too the trigger holding it there making sure it wasn't gonna harm Steve. I don't see any kind of explosion or hear anything from Steve so I keep waiting there. I watch the scene unfold through my scope none of us daring too speak. I see that guy in the black cat costume, a long with Nat...I pull my finger away from the trigger a sad look partially on my face. I really didn't want too fight her but now I guess I had too. My finger returned too the trigger as I aimed between the four of them stand there. Then all of a sudden I see a red thing come flying through the air. It takes Steves shield and lands on one of the baggage carts. "What was that?" I hear Clints voice ask as I zoom in with my scope. "I think It's that spider guy Tony's been telling my about." I say watching closely but before either of us get another word out we hear Sam over the coms. "We found it...Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." Steve lifts his arms as I see Hawk-eye shoot at Steves arms, and then take off. I watch the new guy, I guess his names Scott appear out of almost nowhere handing back Steves shield. I lay there watching the scene unfold hoping nobody makes any sudden moves too hurt anyone. I see Tony close his helmet, and start too fly towards Wanda, and Clint. I stay put watching everyone go after there own person. I see Tony go too Wanda, and Clint, and watch Cap threw his shield at Rhodes before going after the cat guy, and the Spider guy takes off towards Bucky, and Sam. two against one in both situations except for Caps. When I looked back down at the main area I see Nat, and the new guy fighting, but I'm more focussed on Cap. I see him fighting with Black Cat guy, and Rhodes coming up behind him with some sort of weapon. He comes flying at Steve as he gets knocked down as I take a shot at Rhodes knocking him back. I take a few more giving Cap sometime too gain composer, and also hope I piss him off enough he leaves Cap alone. I continue taking shot after shot until I hear Cap over the coms. "Roxy they figured out your placement you need too-." He gets cut off by either a blast or something being thrown knocking me back. I quickly gain composure running into the closest walled area. I pulled two of my smaller guns out of there holders still running looking around trying to catch a glimpse too see if someone was following me. I don't see or hear anything so I stop behind one of the pillars too get a better look of my area. I look around keeping my guns close too myself. I hear what sound like something or more like someone landing. I stay quiet trying too also quiet my breathing. I hear what sounds like a suit opening. I slowly grab for my taser not wanting too shoot at my friends without any protection. I put my others guns away holding the singular taser. "Roxy you know you don't have to do this." I hear the voice of Tony. Shit the last person I was wanting too talk too. I stay quiet not wanting to give myself away. "Roxy I watched him almost kill you, and you're still deciding too defend him?" He says too me making me think for a second. Maybe he was right I slowly lowered the gun. "Look Roxy. I can take you home, I can get you pardoned." I hear his footsteps, and voice get closer too me. I stare at the ground in almost a trance my head starting too spin feeling my body heat up slightly. "I can give you your normal back, and we can go back too fighting side by side, you, me, Nat, Rhodes..Just come back too S.H.I.E.L.D..." He says too me making the heat, and the pain come faster. I don't even notice him slowly coming around the corner. "Come back..Too your family..." He says now standing in front of me. He puts his hand on my chin going too lift my head too look at him. Before he can move my head my free hand grabs his wrist. Heat over takes my body the pain in my head gone with those final words. I hear him wince softly as I slowly look at him through my eyelashes glaring at him slightly. "S.H.I.E.L.D. Was never, and will never be my family." I say tightening my grip on Tony's arm as start pushing him back as he winces at me. "My family was you, Steve, Bruce, Nat, Thor, Clint, Wanda, and Sam, and by signing." I say continuing to push him back all the way too the edge one hand holding his collar now. "You've already destroyed my family." I say one last time basically holding him over the edge by his shirt. I look at my hands holding his collar turn red as the shirt melts in my hands causing me too drop Tony. He falls off but his suit quickly goes by me. I should get going before he comes back. I quickly swap out my guns only grabbing one as I ran down the same hallway. I find the first flight of stairs too take me down too the main floor too catch up with the rest of them. We all meet on the run way all running towards the hanger. None of us say anything just keep running but we're quickly cut off by some sort of beam of power. We all stop looking up too see Vision cut us off. "I know you believe what you're doing is right..." He says as Tony, and Nat show up. "But for the collective good...You must surrender now." He continues as Rhodes brings with this Black Cat guy, and then that Spider-guy comes swinging in. I stand in between Steve, and Bucky pulling out my other gun as I glare at Tony still. "What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks none of us even looking away from the people in front of us. "We fight." He says my heart dropping hearing those words. I couldn't believe what had been actually happening. First it started as a walk, and then a jog, and now we were full on running. I see Tony, Rhodes, take off as Falcon, and Wanda take off behind us. Tony comes right for me and Steve. Tony holds his arm out like he was gonna punch one of us. Steve quickly pulls me behind his shield with him before quickly letting me go. I shoot at him trying too distract him allowing Steve too compose himself. Steve quickly starts throwing punches at him as I quickly grab another small gun shooting a small explosive on Tony's suit Hawkeye shooting it right after causing it too blow up faster. We all continue fighting as I back up with Wanda starting too cover for the people in the sky. I quickly run too take cover though being met with Bucky, and Steve. "We gotta go, that guy's probably in Siberia by now." Bucky says both me and Steve looking at him. "We gotta draw out the flyers." Steve says looking too the sky making both Bucky, and I look up too. "I'll take Vision, You guys go too the Jet." We both turn and look at Steve like he's crazy. "No you get too the jet! All three of you. The rest of us aren't getting out of here." Sam says making us three look at each other. "As much as I hate too admit it...If we're gonna win this one, some of us might have too lose it." Clint continues as I peak around my hiding place too look too see if there is a open spot. "This isn't the real fight Steve." He says making me look at Steve now a little hopeless. "Alright Sam, What's the play?" Steve asks him as I peak over trying to map out where everyone on the other team is. "We need a diversion something big." Sam says leading Rhodes more away from us. "I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long, On my signal run like hell, and If I tear myself in half...Don't come back for me." The new guy says making us all look at each other like he's crazy. "He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky says making me look at Steve equally as confused. "You sure about this Scott?" Steve asks him too make sure if this is smart. "I do it all the time..I mean once. In a lab. Then I passed out." He says as Steve just shrugs his shoulder at us his face full of just as much concern as ours were. We just shrugged back getting ready too run. Without any warning all of a sudden we see Scott super size himself where he looks like a giant. We all stand there in slight awe. "I guess that's the signal." Steve says still in awe. "Way too go Tic Tac." Sam jokes with him lightening the mood. We watch Sam take Tony out, and Scott throws Rhodes. We take the chaotic opportunity too start running as fast as we can towards the hanger. We continue running letting all the others take care of the others. I keep looking back too make sure they're okay but I'm mostly focussed on making it too the hanger. "Somebody just flew in me!" We hear Scott yell but it's too late We see a light come beaming down taking out the tower next too us. Before it can drop Wanda holds it up. We run for it not wanting to waste a second. Not for long we get under it but somebody takes Wanda out so everything starts too fall. I feel something fall in front of me causing me too trip and fall rolling a few times. I wince in pain reaching for my leg. I feel someone hold there arm out for me. "Come on hurry up." He says as I take his hand as we run too the jet being stopped by Nat. "You're not gonna stop.." She says looking at us a small hint of pain and sadness in her eyes. "You know I can't" Steve says as we all hold our ground. "I'm gonna regret this." She says slowly lifting her arm. We all stand our ground knowing what she's gonna do wondering which one she's gonna go for. She shoots and it goes right past my head hitting the black cat guy stunning him but not for long. We all turn looking at her a little surprised. "Go" She says too us as we all nod at her running past her towards the jet. She shoots him again before he gets too her pushing her out of the way. He continues too run at us as Steve, and Bucky run in the Jet. I stop turning around dropping both of my guns. I turn around going too make sure he can't follow them. I feel someone grab my shoulder making me turn back. I make eye contact with Bucky's sad blue ones. I nod at him letting him know I'll be okay before taking off out of the jet. I run up too the Black Cat guy tackling him the first chance I get trying to keep him on the ground. He tries too flip us so I'm on the ground but before he can crawl anywhere I grab both his legs pulling him back down causing him to drag his claws down the pavement. He lets goes with his claws easily letting me pull him down as he runs his claws a long my face, and side I wince still holding onto him managing too flip us so he's on the ground as I watch the jet start too take off. I feel him shove me aggressively off causing me too hit my head. I don't black out but I feel dizzy, and can't focus on anything. I start heating up again, and the pain in my head keeps increasing. I kneel curling into a ball on the ground holding my head. Then I feel someones hand on my head that isn't my own. I can't see, or hear anything just feel this hand on my head. I start too hear muffled voice but it isn't until I hear what could be a blaster that I snap back into reality. I feel the hand leave my head and I feel someone kneel behind me taking me into his arms. "You're lucky I can't hate you like I hate the rest of them." I hear the familiar voice of Tony say before I black out.

I think I know you. Bucky X OC(Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang