Chapter Two- The court

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*Katya POV*

"Now presenting, Katya Nyxindaf!" A servant announced. All eyes turned to me. With my head held high I walk into the courtroom. A small gasp comes from my lips as I survey the area around me. It is beautiful. Emerald walls, littered with paintings and portraits, boxed in this little piece of splendour. A dazzling stained-glass window shined a rainbow of colours. It depicted the historical crowing of King Danerible the Third, our first king. A pianist sits in the corner, playing a melodic tune that fills the air with suspense and mystery. At the end of the hall, is the King. King Ashkan. He's perfect. Chestnut skin and a kind yet hard face, his hair tousled in soft waves that frame his face, making him look youthful yet sophisticated. His black tunic, embroidered with gold shows faint outlines of his muscles, making him look like a god amongst men. He laughed with some ministers, probably about the poor last girl who was introduced. I can't wait to wipe that smirk off his face.

Today is the day that the new ladies of the court are to be introduced. There are 14 in total, all to be married off to kings and ministers and lords. They're all very beautiful, of course none as gorgeous as me, but beautiful, nonetheless; perfect little decorations. Snapping me out of my thoughts is the king's booming voice

"Ms Nyxindaf, please step forward" I took 4 steps forward and bowed. It was custom of course to bow before the king

"Rise." He commanded. "Present yourself."

"My king, I am Katya, from the Nyxindaf family of the north. I come from Pendenski; my father sends his regards."

"Pendenski eh, well I am glad you are here Katya" He says as he flashes me a smile that makes the court swoon "I am sure we will be very well acquainted" Good, he sees me as an object. Let him think that.

As I take my place in the line of women, the next lady goes up. Chenna Dunelle, from the Umer region. She's pretty, with fiery red hair and skin like ivory. She has the features of those from Umer, small features and narrowed eyes, however her lips are full, something you don't see very often. I see one of the noblemen looking at her, Lord Gray I think. She retires to our line and whispers to me:

"Hi, Katya right? You're very pretty" She looks over my body with an approving nod. Her voice is like honey, sweet and rich. "I'm Chenna, I think our living quarters are close, would you like to come over after the presentation is done?" she asks. I've never had many friends, but she seems genuine.

"Yes, that would be lovely Chenna."

*Lapis POV*

Walking into court, I see that most people have already arrived. Of course, I am the one who's late.

"Lapis Riverbound!" A herald announced. As I walk into court, it looks just the same as It did when I was a child. Grand, with wealth evident at every corner, littered with women and men looking at me, staring at me. They do have reasons to stare, I am a little, well, unusual looking. My features confuse even the surest of men, a balance of feminine and masculine, more feminine than masculine, much to my disdain. My hair adds to the confusion, as with my Botwain heritage, it is as blue as a shallow lake, and much to my parents' disappointment, short, stopping just above the middle of my neck. I chose to wear my formal blue equestrian outfit for the court presentation, of course, as it isn't a dress, it draws lots of attention to me.

"Ms? Mr?" The king looked lost.

"Just Riverbound please" I say, trying to help him. I've grown accustomed to it, as the concept of my existence was only just introduced and accepted

"Riverbound then, please step forward" I step forward with all the courts eyes on me. It isn't everyday you see someone from Botwain in court. I bow before the king.

"Rise" He commands, in a bored tone "Present yourself"

"My lord, I am Lapis Riverbound, from Botwain. My mother sent me to join the court, she sends her best wishes" I recite the speech I've had prepared since I was a child.

"And I see here that you are Gendnil, am I correct in this assumption?" He asks

"Yes my lord" Gendnil is the term used in Ostaria for one who does not identify with male or female. I was born one, but some choose to become one. I was well, extremely rare, and a disappointment to Botwain.

"I see, I hope you find my court welcoming and progressive, you are dismissed." I have heard of the court of Torielli to be somewhat progressive, that's why mother sent me here.

Walking back, I see the most beautiful woman I have even laid eyes upon. She glowed with a yellow aura as she turned to someone next to her and whispered in her ear. She was gorgeous. She wore a flowy white dress, belted in the middle with a golden clasp in the shape of the sun. Oh and of course the icy woman next to her was as well. I decide to go stand next to them.

"Greetings, I'm Lapis" I whisper

"Oh! Hello! I'm Chenna" Chenna. The name fit her so well. Like the name of the sun, warm and comforting. Perfect. 

-* Author's note: Hello everyone! I hope you liked this part, what do you think of Lapis and Chenna, I personally love them so much, I'll put their faces below. Anyways, please remember to vote, comment, and share it! Have a great day everyone.*- 


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