"I want to hear what Jackson has to say."

Esmeray, who'd been sitting at the very back, turned to see Hayley. She walked toward the sacristy, and the wolf from before scoffed. "This is a Pack meeting. You're not one of us anymore."

"No?" said Hayley, turning to face him. She held her arm out, and made a show of having it start morphing into a wolf paw, her eyes glowing amber. With ease, she turned herself back fully human. "I am still a wolf. And, I didn't need any magical rings to control when or how I change. You want the same? Then, sit down, shut up, and listen."

She went to stand beside Jackson, who looked pretty pleased to see her. "You all need help, and you know it," said Hayley. "Now, whatever it is that you think of me, I was born a Crescent. I'm the last of the Labonair line, which makes me an Alpha. Jackson is your Alpha. Now, I don't know how many of you bought the story you grew up with, the Unification myth. Well, it is all true. If you have doubts, you can ask Esmeray. She saw those rituals happen with her own eyes. What it all means is that if Jackson and I get married, anyone with the guts to turn up to the ceremony has as much control over their wolf form as I do."

Jackson looked a bit shocked to hear this. The two whispered for a moment before Hayley addressed the confused crowd. "This isn't just about uniting our pack. It's about forming a new community."

"This ceremony will change everything for us," Jackson said. "It will give us the strength we need to defend ourselves. Then, and only then, can we finally have peace."

"The choice is yours," Hayley offered. "Keep the rings and be somebody's bitch, or be part of the greatest pack that ever lived."

Aiden was the first to get to his feet, going toward them and dropping his moonlight ring to the floor. "I'm in," he said, and like dominoes, the rest of the wolves followed, though in different intervals, because some came straight to Esmeray to ask for confirmation.

"That was wild," said Esmeray once all the wolves were gone. "Are you both sure you want to do this?"

Hayley nodded, and turned apologetically to Jackson. "I'm sorry I sprung that on you."

Jackson smiled. "You know, I always thought it would be me popping the question instead of being the one put on the spot." He looked up at Esmeray. "If you'll help us prepare, I'll be ready." He turned back to the hybrid beside him, and took her hand. "I promise I will be a good husband to you," he whispered before saying, "Hayley Marshall, will you marry me?"

Hayley laughed lightly. "No ring?"

"Not yet," Jackson teased.

"It's a yes anyway," Hayley said, and Esmeray clapped.

"Yay!" she said. "I've been wanting to attend a modern-day wedding." She reached into her bag for a notebook. "So, in the past hours, I took notes on everything Ansel told you, Jackson, and I know what needs to be done. I can guide you, but the thing is, we might need an extra hand. I may be the oldest living wolf, but that doesn't necessarily make me an Elder. To be safe, I think a regular Elder should do it... like a wolf with more than thirty years of experience."

"I've got someone in mind," said Jackson. "I'll get you in contact with her."

"Hang on," said Hayley, standing up and looking at Esmeray as if she was an entirely new person. "Esmeray, your ritual."

"An Elder wouldn't work for that," said the werewitch, shaking her head. "She'd have to be a Poldark or Paxon, and I don't want to ask Aaron or Elvis to help me after what happened with Anya."

"No— not that. Your ritual was meant to help you get control over your wolf side. This ceremony... would it do the same?"

Esmeray furrowed her brows. "I... I actually don't know. It... it might, though."

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