Chapter 15

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At least in Portland, they stayed in a nicer house.

"Is this up to your standards, Princes Poldark?" teased Klaus as they moved into the spacious mansion at the edge of the forest.

"Call me that again, and I'll fry your brain on repeat for the next twenty four hours," she said snarkily, shoving past him with the small knapsack. When he simply laughed, she turned around and flicked her hand, making him grit his teeth as blood started to leak from his eyes. She stopped it before it could cause any real damage, but she felt satisfied knowing she'd tormented him enough.

The trip had been traumatic. They'd flown on a plane, which Esmeray hadn't enjoyed in the slightest. She'd been in her seat, covering her face and whimpering with the turbulence they experienced. Klaus couldn't have been happier, ordering drinks back to back and chatting up the flight attendants, who all seemed to be worried about the shivering girl beside him.

"Is she alright?" one of the women had asked.

"Never been on a plane before, love," Klaus told her, smirking. "Now be a darling and go fetch me some of your finest wine. And then, maybe you can sit and chat with me for a bit."

As soon as they landed, Esmeray had bolted out and gone to the nearest trash can, purging and holding on to the edges. Klaus had rolled his eyes, but had taken slight pity on her and had purchased some thai food, which improved her mood greatly.

According to Klaus, Portland would be spilling with werewolves. There, he could find potential hybrids as well as possible Poldark or Paxon wolves that could help with Esmeray's ritual. He'd been very blunt in telling her that there was no guarantee she'd find any there, and their search might need to be expanded. She was just thankful to be closer to finding someone like her.

"This'll be your room," said Klaus, leading her into one of the smaller rooms that had a large balcony overlooking the trees. It was currently early in the morning, and though they couldn't see the sunrise, the sky already bore its gorgeous orange hue letting them know that a new day was starting. "Might as well go nap, so you're not bothering me."

She frowned in his direction. "Where are you going?"

"To find a bar," he muttered. "There's no alcohol here."

Esmeray crossed her arms. "You're not leaving me alone here. I want to go. What if there are wolves there?"

"Tonight is a full moon. Shouldn't you be off complaining?"

"I'm going with you. When it comes time for me to transform, I'll go off on my own. We might find someone before then."

Klaus was not thrilled to have her pestering him for another several hours, but he knew that if he wanted to win her loyalty, he couldn't just leave her alone to start scheming up a plot to murder him. "We'll get you some clothes while we're at it," he told her, making his way back to the car. "I don't fancy hearing you complain about having nothing to wear."

They drove out through the streets, which Klaus seemed to hate. Esmeray heard him sort at least five times, judging either the people he saw or the shabby buildings along the road. He stopped in front of a liquor store, and the two got out, finding an older man behind the counter, smoking a cigarette.

"Greetings, mate," said Klaus, coming inside with his hands behind his back, as if scrutinizing everything. "Happen to have any good bourbon here?"

The man glared at them. "What makes you think I'll serve you, hybrid?"

Klaus chuckled and came toward him. "You've heard of me, have you?"

"They've got pictures of you all up and down the West Coast after we heard what happened to those wolves in the East." The man sat up straight. "As for her, word's been spreading for ages." The man, at least, seemed more inclined to speak to her. "This man bothering you?"

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