[21-25] Anthology

Start from the beginning

When they had partnered up at the sport's festival is when he had realized that he liked her as just a bit more as a friend. From seeing her cheer everybody on with an unrivaled vivacity, to how hard she worked to win and push herself to first. Even the way she looked, [e/c] eyes narrowed in concentration while she thought up a good strategy, her [h/c] hair messily pinned out of her face, frizzing up almost. She was as pretty as she was bubbly, and before he knew it, Eijirou was falling hard.

Despite all of this, though, he worried in the back of his head. He still couldn't forget what happened at USJ in what seemed like ages ago. How the villains were intent on kidnapping [Y/n], not to mention the weird conversation that went on between her and Shigaraki. He had no clue what to make of it, though. Not right now.

Besides, Principal Nezu and one of the police officers had pulled Eijirou aside to specifically ask him to drop the subject, saying that her circumstances were sanctioned by the U.A. and Professional Hero Association. Basically, a polite way to say, 'back off'.

And he did. Not once did he bring it up around [Y/n] or ask about it, even if he really wanted to. He wanted to respect her privacy, and as long as she was happy and everybody was safe, did it really matter?

Footsteps alerted him that [Y/n] had finished changing, and he put on an easy grin as if what had happened earlier hadn't made him flustered. "You fight good," he instead complimented, the two heading off to the classroom.

No matter her background or what would happen in the future, Eijirou was just content with being her friend.


[23] P.O.V.: Kaminari Denki

Lying on his bed, Denki couldn't help but think about how perfect the evening had been, especially considering his nerves at first. When he had asked [Y/n] on a date, he hadn't expected her to say yes. Usually, his flirtations were brushed off — and in the case of Jirou Kyouka, met with a swift smack. [Y/n], though? She had agreed in an instant, not at all bothered by his own shameless proposal.

And as a result... Well, their date went amazing. Despite his usual flirty behavior, he had actually never gone on a date before. He wasn't sure what to wear, how to act — if it weren't for Kirishima and Sero, as well as plenty of rom-coms, he would have been at a loss. It was nice to see that she had been in the same boat, considering she had the girls of 1-A help her get ready.

There was a part, however small, that felt guilty though. Denki wasn't oblivious to the others' feelings about [Y/n]. Bakugou was probably the most obvious — funny, considering he apparently hadn't come to terms with it, either. Denki had also noticed that Kirishima and Midoriya both had caught feelings for her as well. Denki wouldn't be surprised if even more of his classmates had crushes on [Y/n]! There was something about her, almost otherworldly, that drew people to her like a moth to flame.

Man, when did he fall so deep? He didn't even know.

Hand cupping his cheek where [Y/n] had kissed him, a goofy smile grew on Denki's face, right as his phone had buzzed, notifying him of a new text.

To: Kaminari Denki
From: Cutie Pie [Y/n]

[11:43 pm]: thank you for tonight! best first date ever!! <3

He could melt right there. He was truly happy to have met [Y/n].


[24] P.O.V.: Shigaraki Tomura

Shigaraki Tomura wasn't a personable person by any means, but god did he abhor [Y/n] and the chaos that ensued.

Not all of it was bad; Pariston's help in imbuing nen into their nomu, as well as Chrollo constantly antagonizing [Y/n] (even if she never recognized it was him), had certainly helped the League of Villains. Hisoka, however, was somebody they could do without. He didn't trust him at all, and if it weren't for the weird disparity between nen and quirks, he'd have disintegrated that clown.

When it came to [Y/n], though... He had mixed opinions on the girl who seemed to be the epicenter of this all. At one point, he thought she'd be a valuable pawn, his player two, even. She wasn't as young as the other 1-A kids, Pariston had said she's almost 18, but she somehow acted younger than all of them combined.

She was reckless, loudmouthed, vulgar, impulsive, and he wasn't even scratching the surface.

All in all, she was a nuisance, one that Tomura did not want to deal with any longer. His player two? Yeah, right. Freecss [Y/n] was the annoying side boss that would constantly appear at the worst of times, only to disappear and reappear at a later, more inconvenient time. She was like Axel in the Kingdom Souls 2** game. Constantly showing up to fight the main character — himself — only to get beaten and vow to come back later. And she rarely did any damage!

At least, physically. [Y/n] had a sharp tongue that seemed to make the people on the receiving end, be it villain or hero, feel their self-esteem crumble.

It'd be admirable if she were on his side, but she wasn't.

Tomura wanted nothing more than to kill her, and was even more infuriated that he couldn't. Not just because his quirk didn't work on her, but both his sensei and Pariston claimed she'd be a valuable pawn. Every side seemed to be tugging at her, wanting her to be on their side. The League of Villains was no exception.

Gritting his teeth in irritation, Tomura pushed the 'start' button on his game, careful to always keep two fingers off his game controller (he already ashed three controllers this month, no need to make it four).

"Stupid girl..."

Stupid girl, indeed, but even as Tomura dived into the world of Dragon Quest, his mind kept drifting to her.


[25] P.O.V.: Monoma Neito

No need to write a P.O.V., he's not a love interest and we all know he has a severe love-hate relationship with you guys. Definitely an enemies-to-rivals-to-sorta-friends-to-lovers kinda situation here. ♥

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