Epilogue/End Credits

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About a year later

Mr. L set up camp in a cave just outside the Mushroom Kingdom. It was dark, lonely, and isolated. Perfect! 

"L...L I-" 

Perfect....right? I mean, it was unbearably lonely....but it was safe. So yes, perfect.

"L, please. Just stay. I'll find a way to make it up to you. Just stay."

He was alone. No one was here to hurt him..... So why did it still hurt??

"L, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry for everything-"

Why does it hurt so bad?

"L, I'm sorry. I don't expect forgiveness. I don't deserve forgiveness."

Why wont it stop hurting??

"L, please. I know I don't deserve you. Just come back. That would be enough."

Oh, Grambi, please make it stop hurting.

"I don't need my magic. I just need you alive. So please, L. Just come back. You don't have to talk to me. You don't even have to look at me. Just please come back."

Why couldn't he get his stupid voice out of his head??

"I see. Well, if you ever need me, just say the word and I'll be there."

No. He didn't need him. He didn't need anyone.

"L, before you leave, I have to tell you. I-"


"I love you."


Mr. L's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

Footsteps?? Oh no. He moved in here specifically to be alone. Why was he hearing footsteps.

"Mr. L? Mr. L, are you here?" Came a familiar voice. Mr. L jerked up. Oh no, he had been found. "Please, I just need to talk."

He knew that voice. That Italian accent. Mr. L lowered his guard. "Ugh, Luigi, how did you find me?"

Mr. L stepped into the light so he could be seen. Luigi smiled. "Ha! I knew I could do it! I knew I could find you!" Mr. L rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Yeah, congratulations. Now I have to move. Ugh, what do you want?" Luigi cocked his head to the side. "What? I can't pay my favorite alter ego a visit?" Mr. L gave Luigi a condescending look. Luigi smiled and laughed. "Alright, alright. I just came to talk."

Mr. L scoffed. "To talk? Well newsflash Mr. ScaredOfGhosts, I don't care about what you have to say." Luigi furrowed his brows. "Can you please just hear me out? Please?"

Mr. L sighed and sat down. "You've got ten minutes before I throw you out." Luigi smiled. "Great! That's all I need!"

Luigi sat down next to L. "....I know why you didn't want to leave my head now," Luigi started. 

Mr. L froze. "Umm, what?" 

Luigi smiled a small smile. "All that time you spent in my head, you could have taken control. You could have been free, but you never did. And I know why." Mr. L shook his head. "No, you don't." Luigi put a hand on Mr. L's shoulder. "Yes I do. I don't know why it took me so long to realize it. I can't believe it took me so long to put the pieces together. The last thing I remembered before waking up and being reunited with Mario in the Underwhere was Nastasia capturing and hypnotizing me. So all that time in between must have been you. But, I woke up in the Underwhere, meaning you must have gotten killed."

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