Chapter 22

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Mario kept looking back and forth between Luigi and Mr. L. "You, but, how???" Mr. L stepped forward and walked past Mario. "Don't worry Mr. JumpsALot. I'm not staying." Luigi's eyes went wide. "Wait, you're leaving?? Where are you going?" Mr. L just shrugged. "I don't know. Away from here." Luigi stepped closer to him, Dimentio still on his back. "But why?" Mr. L rolled his eyes. "Because, I can't stand seeing him! Luigi, it hurts. You don't understand what it's like to have the one person you trust turn around and kill you. And I can't hate him no matter how much I try. I returned to life, just like he wanted. He said that would be enough."

Mr. L made his way for the elevator. Luigi chased after him. "Wait! At least wait until he wakes up so he can say goodbye! He gave his magic up for you!"

Mr. L looked at Luigi. Luigi had a sad look on his face. "Please, Mr. L. Just let him see you one last time." Mr. L shifted his gaze to Dimentio, who was resting his head on Luigi's shoulder. "....fine. But then I'm leaving." Luigi nodded. "Alright!"

Some time passed.

Luigi set Dimentio down on the ground. Marx's eyes softened. He had never seen Dimentio so at peace. It was quite interesting. Jevil started jumping around. "Oh, Seam, isn't this great! Everyone's happy, happy!" 

Seam nodded. "Yes...but Jevil....we can't stay like this." Jevil stopped. "W-what? What do you mean?" Seam sighed. "Jevil, we have to go home."

Jevil slowly frowned. "But...Seam. I don't want to." Seam stepped forward and took Jevil's hand. "Jevil, it won't be so bad. I wont leave you alone again. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize what's really important. What makes life worth living." Jevil cocked his head to the side. "And what would that be?" Seam smiled. "You, my friend. It's you."

Jevil looked up at Seam. A small smiled spread across his face. "Aww, Seam." Seam nodded. "So...will you return home with me?"

Jevil hesitated. He looked over at Marx. Marx slowly nodded. "It's your choice buddy." Jevil smiled, then hugged Seam. "Okay. Just let me stay until Dimmy wakes up."

After a while, Dimentio began to stir. Jevil and Marx both leaned over him. "Aww, sleepy Dimmy is finally waking!" Jevil said. 

Dimentio opened his eyes to see Marx and Jevil staring down at him. This was strange. He was the tallest of the three, so having them look down at him felt wrong somehow. Jevil beamed and swooped him into a hug. "Dimmy! How was your nap?"

Dimentio looked around. "Ugh, I'm exhausted. How long was I out for?" Jevil shrugged. "Not to long!" Marx rolled his eyes. "Not long enough...."

Dimentio met Marx's eyes. "'re still mad at me. Marx, I-" "Marx isn't mad at you! He was crying when he saw you sleeping because he thought you were dead!" Jevil interrupted. Marx quickly elbowed him in the side. "Jevil, shhh."

Dimentio froze, then quietly started laughing. "Ah ha ha ha ha, you actually cared?" Marx looked down. "" Jevil nodded. "Yes! Poor Marx was so sad. He was talking about how-" "JEVIL! That's enough!"

Jevil nodded. "Okay Marx. I won't tell him how you were crying, saying that you wished you could tell him that you didn't hate him, and how he was your first real friend and that you didn't want him dead." Marx facepalmed. "Jevil...."

Jevil smiled and held out his arms. "Group hug?" Dimentio and Marx exchanged glances, before Dimentio picked himself up and hugged Jevil. "Group hug."

The two then looked over at Marx. "Marx?" Jevil asked. He looked down. "You know, I don't really do hugs." Dimentio smirked. "Yeah. Neither do I. Just quit being stubborn and get in here. You're making Jevil sad." Marx looked at Jevil. Oh no...Jevil was giving him puppy dog eyes. How could he resist?? "....Ugh. Fine. Fine."

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