"Well, tell me your problem. Maybe I can help"

"It's just that I like this guy, but he's a good friend and I don't wanna mess things up."

"Is it me?"

"No it's not you"

"Hmm well you don't have many friends who are guys...is it Fred?"

"No it's not Fred"

"Well...*gasp* then it must be George!"


"Right, right sorry"


"This year Hogwarts will be hosting a very sacred event...The Tri-wizard Tournament"


"Hogwarts champion....CEDRIC DIGGORY!"

No, stop.

"You'll do just fine. And when you get back with that cup in your hand, I'll be right there in the stands cheering."

Stop, please.

"No no no that's not allowed you were supposed to come back!"


"Come back, please"

I awake with a start. I look frantically around the room.


I brought my hand to my chest, trying to calm my breathing.

I felt stupid.

Get over it.

He's dead.

He's been dead.

For over half a year.

Stop being dramatic.

But I couldn't help it. I couldn't help the nightmares that haunted me at night.

I rolled over and covered my head with my blanket. I didn't want to wake up George or Fred.

"Y/n? Are you alright?"


"I'm fine George, go back to sleep" I whisper.

"You sure?"

I head was poking up at the foot of my bed.

I nod but it obviously wasn't convincing enough because he shuffles on his knees to my bedside.

"Bad dream?"

I nod. "Sorry for waking you"

"No worries....uh do you mind if I...." he gestures his head towards my bed.

"Sure" I nod and move over to make room for him.

"So apparently the floor isn't very comfortable" he whispers.

"Hmm I figured"

"So...you wanna talk about it?" He ask slowly.

"It's stupid"

"I'm not gonna judge...but if you don't wanna talk that's ok" he says.

I roll over to face him and sigh.

"I was....I was back in first year when I met Ced and then it was second year and then third and the fourth and it was all happening so fast and his name was called and..." I explain, the speed of my voice increasing.

"Shh shhh it's ok" he comforts me.

His reaction surprised me. He wasn't jealous or angry.

"The dreams...they won't go away, no matter how much I want them to"

"They'll go away...it may not be soon, but some day."


"You wanna hear a story?" He asks.

"What, like the three little pigs?"

"Three little what?" He says confused.

"Nothing, just a children's story" I shrug.

"No, I'm telling you a real life story"

"Ok, sure"

"So the day after the party when we....kissed, I was walking down the hall, Fred was somewhere...I don't know where he was. Do you think him and Charlotte were together back then yet? He can't hear me. The house could be on fire and he'd still be fast asleep. I'm getting off track here. Anyways, I was walking down the hall and Cedric came up to me. Now, I was prepared for him to be super angry at me. But here's, and I quote, what he said. He said: 'I heard that y/n kissed you last night, I'm honestly quite surprised. Especially since there was a lot of people there, she must really like you. That doesn't mean you deserve her, but she chose you. And that's saying something' and I just stood there really shocked as he walked away and then he said 'treat my best friend right...or I'll hunt you down.'" George tells me "And then we formed a club to secretly talk about you" He jokes.

"Is that true?"

"Just ask Ced, he'll tell yo- oh no. No never mind. Go back to sleep. I said nothing" he quickly catches himself and pulls me into a hug.

"You know you're really stupid" I say, cuddling into his chest.

"Yeah" he sighs.

So I may or may not have eaten half a box of cinnamon toast crunch while writing this chapter but.....yeah 😀
Also I hope it wasn't too confusing

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