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I looked around the room at everyone singing and cheering.

Then I look back at George who has the biggest grin on his face.

"Fancy me, do you y/l/n?" He smirks.

"Oh please! You fancied me first" I say back but can't help the big smile growing on my face.

"So you believe me now?" He asks.

"I don't really have a choice do I?"

"Let's just hope Snape doesn't notice his veritaserum missing" George sighs.

"I doubt that," I chuckle.

"Hey, maybe if a get detention I can throw you under the bus this time. Drag you down with me. I bet detention will be more enjoyable with you when you're not mad at me"

"Y/N AND GEORGIE SITTING IN A TREE-" The group of Gryffindors continue singing.

"K-i-s-s-i-n-g" George begins to join them.

"No, no, please don't" I sigh.

"FIRST COMES LOVE!" He and Fred shout.

"Nope, I'm leaving. Seeya Georgie" I begin to walk to the portrait.

George run up and hugs me from behind, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye y/l/n"

"Bye Weasley" I say "Bye Freddie!" I call and leave the common room.

"BYE Y/N!" Fred shouts.

George's POV

I check to make sure y/n is a safe distance so she won't hear me and then turn to Fred.



"SHE KISSED ME! SHE KISSED ME!" I do my happy dance and Fred joins me.


"I'm still mad at you guys by the way." Ron pouts.

"Oh lighten up Ronnikins, Granger obviously fancies you back," Fred begins.

"We were helping" I explain.

He glares at us for a moment then mutters, "I'm going to bed"

"Goodnight!" We call after him as he leaves for the dorms.

"Well, I'll be right back" I say to Fred.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"To the kitchen..."

"And why might I ask?" Fred questions.


                                                 Your POV

I walk back to the Hufflepuff common room. Replaying what had just happened in my mind.

When I walk in, no one really notices except Charlotte and Ced.

"So what happened??" Cedric asks eagerly.

I think for a moment, of a way to explain it all. But all I come up with is,

"We kissed."

"WHAT!?" Charlotte bellows.

"Well, more like I kissed him... but he kissed back!" I smile.

"And, how did all this happen? I mean before you left you were ready to kill him." Cedric chuckles.

"He had veritaserum and he tried it on Ron and it was real because Ron admitted he liked Hermione Granger and then Ron wanted to get pay back so he made George take it and asked him how he felt about me and he said how much he liked me and everyone was cheering and then I just.....kissed him" I explain.

"Ron likes Granger?" Cedric asks.

"That's what you took out of that?" Charlotte scolds.

"No, I mean that's great y/n I'm glad your happy again" he smiles at me.

"Thanks, it all happened so fast I-"

"Well not really, you spent a while hating him" Charlotte says.

"Yeah....." I sigh.

"Well, let's celebrate the new found relationship of y/n and George" Cedric smiles.

"Well, I guess we are in a relationship then... but hey! Let's also celebrate Cedric's amazing performance in the second task!" I exclaim.

"I've gotten enough praise about that, trust me" he says seriously.

"Ok...what time even is it?" I ask.

"It's pretty late" Charlotte answers.

"Well I'm going to go to bed because I'm honestly exhausted." I say "night Ced, congrats on the task"

"Night y/n congrats on Weasley" he replies.

I head up to my dorm and change into pyjamas. I was truly tired. My body fell asleep the moment I lay down. But my mind was wide awake. Replaying the kiss again and again.

Sorry this is short I'm literally writing these during online class.
Again thank you for everyone who is reading my story :)

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