Ch 2 Waves of despair

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A/N: Sorry it took a little while to finish this chapter. My girlfriend mainly did this one so i hope you enjoy it. Just to remind you, please look at her work and follow BDdiamondAuthority

Blue Diamond was standing on her throne, working, thinking about her beloved Steven. Her thoughts were only on him as she tried to work, but found she was getting nowhere in her work so she just stopped, not like she cared about it to begin with.

Her Pearl looked up to her from the ground below, "Um, My Diamond, is something the matter?" She whispered just high enough for Blue to hear her.

She thought a little bit, without paying attention to her, then she answered, "No, everything is fine". She was silent for a couple of moments then she walked over to the observation orb. She turned it on, then she started smiling as she saw her precious Steven. "Pearl, leave" Blue demanded, her Pearl bowing and leaving the room.

As Blue observed Steven through the orb, she saw him doing his daily routine, such as eating, watching something on this metal box and moving a stick while looking at said box. "I wonder what he's doing with that metal box?" She moved a little closer to see exactly what he's doing, but still couldn't figure it out.

Eventually she grew tired of watching him and sat down behind him where he was, trying to hug him but unable to since she's not really on Earth. She kept trying, growing more frustrated and eventually tearing up, just wanting to hold Steven in her arms.

"Ahhhh! I just want to hold him!" Blue wildly ran her hands through her hair, messing and tangling it up, before taking a deep breath to calm down, not wanting any gem or her fellow Diamonds to see her like this.

She quickly fixes her hair and looks back at Steven one more time, smiling sweetly and lovingly towards him. "Soon, Steven." With a wave of her hand the observation orb turned off and rested back on the ground, Blue walking out of the throne room, looking like she didn't just lose her mind a little.

Blue made her way to her chamber, wanting to rest her mind a bit. Blue Pearl opened the door for her then she bowed while Blue was walking past her. Blue got in the pool, she closed her eyes, relaxing, but her thoughts drifted to Steven again. She couldn't get him out of her mind. She took her comb and started combing her hair.

"I love you, Steven, so much." Her thoughts drifted to all the horrid things she would do to all that would get in her way of what she wanted. Steven. Any in her way would pay dearly.

After a while, Blue relaxed and eased her mind, she walked out of her chamber and started to work, but her mind was only on Steven. She started blushing a bit then Pearl came to her "I'm sorry to interrupt you, my diamond, but Yellow Diamond required demanded your presence"

Blue looked at Pearl for a second, then she got up, nodding and walking to Yellow's chambers. She was confused because she didn't know what her fellow diamond wanted to say to her, but she brushed off those thoughts and she walked into Yellow's new sauna, having a serious face. "You called me?"

"Yes" Yellow said, looking at Blue. "I wanted to talk about the new quartz."

"Oh." Blue sat down, and they started talking. After an hour, Blue was walking back to her room, happy that she finally got away from Yellow's annoying voice, and that now she has time to look at her sweetheart Steven. The diamond walked to the orb, turning it on, and started smiling as she saw her adorable Steven.

Steven was on the beach, looking at the waves and smiling. He was thinking about Connie, while he was playing with hyacinth in his hands. He looked at it for a little bit then he sniffed it, smiling. "I bet Connie will love it, it's her favorite flower after all." He smiled again and got up, and started walking to his house, Connie will be there soon and he wanted to surprise her with that hyacinth.

Blue was looking at Steven, being desperate. "Who is that Connie?! who is she?! Oh no, no! My beloved Steven seems to care about her too much...!" Blue grabbed her hair again, becoming more and more desperate as Steven gave the hyacinth to Connie, then giggling as they both blush. Blue was in tears, looking at the orb. She clenched her fist, sobbing more and she grabbed the orb and she threw it away, the orb shattering into little pieces.

Because of the really loud noise, Blue Pearl rushed in, being worried about her diamond. "M-My diamond, are you okay?!" Blue remained there, ignoring her Pearl, but a strong voice caught Blue's attention.

"Yea Blue, are you okay.?"

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