Chapter 33 - Battle of the Five Armies

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Dain, Thorin's cousin and king of the Iron Hills, showed up with his army to fight the Elves, although they were pitifully outnumbered. Dain reminded me nothing of Thorin, although you could tell that they were both related, for they were both stubborn and crude.

Suddenly, from out of no where, thousands of Orcs appeared from out of the ground. Thorin told us to hide within the walls. I was enraged. We all were. Kili especially wanted to fight. For he was well again.

"Kili," I said to him. "How did you recover?"

He blushed. "I know that...I'm supposed to hate Elves..." he began.

"Was it that Elleth with the red hair?" I asked.

He looked up at me in sharp surprise. " did you know that?"

I winked at him. "Lucky guess."

"I think that I'm in love with her, Jaedda."

"Then what's stopping you?"

He looked at me with longing eyes. "A dwarf can't love an elf."

"Says who?"

"Thorin won't approve of it. And now he won't even let us fight our own battles!"

At that moment, Thorin emerged from the darkness, his armor removed and only bearing a sword.

Kili rose up. "I will not hide in the dark and let others fight our battles for us!" Kili screamed at him. Thorin walked up to Kili. "Tis not in my blood, Thorin."

"No," Thorin said. "We are son's of Durin. And we do not fray from a fight." He pulled Kili to him and rested his forehead against his. "Now, who's with me?"

We all shouted and took up arms. I marched up to Thorin.

"If you think that you're going to make me sit this one out, I'm sorry but-"

I was cut off by Thorin's lips crashing onto mine. Taken aback, a lightly squealed, but got used to it and kissed him back.

"I don't doubt you for a second, my love." I smiled up at him. "Kill as many Orcs as your heart desires."

"YES!" I shouted.

"Suspend that hammer!" Thorin shouted as he pointed to a large hammer rested on the ceiling. We suspended it high in the air. We swung it forward and it crashed the wall be had built up. We ran out into the battle, our weapons up.

"Du Bekâr!" Thorin yelled.

"Du Bekâr!" We all shouted back.

We ran into the battle, and started fighting off the Orcs. Brief images of the battle of Moria started appearing my head. But this time, Thorin knew who I was, and he was fighting by my side.

I fought my way over to Gandalf and Bilbo.

"Ah, Jaedda," Gandalf said. "Good to see you alive and well."

"Same for you, my dear friend," I replied as I hugged Gandalf's legs.

"Take care of yourself," Gandalf said. "You're shorter than a hobbit. You might get trampled on." He winked, but I glared. He laughed and I ran off back into battle.

"Jaedda," Thorin called. "Kili, Fili, Dwalin and I have a plan. We're going to kill Azog. He is giving the commands uptop that hill."

He pointed to a cliff area, where the Defiler and other Orcs were standing, giving commands.

"Be safe," I said. "Don't die."

I leaned up and kissed him.

"I won't." He hugged me. "I will come back to you. Live to fight another day."

Words with such heavy meaning. They resonated in my mind as he and the others ran off.

An Orc ran up behind me. Bilbo cut it down.

"Bilbo!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here? You'll get killed!"

"I'm going after Thorin," he claimed.

"You'll never make it," I claimed. "They'll see you."

"No, trust me, they won't."

I shrugged. "Do as you will."

With that, Bilbo ran off.

I turned and fought off more Orcs. Suddenly, I found my self cornered by them. There was no way I could fight off this many.

I felt myself get lifted up onto some sort of steed. I looked up.

"Thranduil!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"That's the sort of gratitude I get for saving you life? My, how ungrateful."


"Just shut up and accept my help," he said. "Think of it as an apology."

Well, if you put it that way.

He dropped me off next to a small section of his army. I fought valiantly next to the Elves. The Eagles came. I smiled up at them.

"The eagles are coming!" I exclaimed.

We had won the battle. A great feast was being prepared. I saw Bilbo and Gandalf walking back towards Erebor.

"I can't believe it!" I exclaimed. "We won the battle!"

Their faces were solemn and emotionless.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Where's Thorin?"

Bilbo looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"He's dead."


Shout out to Pinkars for making my new amazing cover!!! Thanks so much girly!😘

Luv u guys! Please vote an comment I know this was unexpected. Sry...

My Heart, My Mountain, My King {Thorin Oakenshield Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora