Chapter 19 - Gaining an Ally

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"Stay with you?" I asked.

He nodded. "I'll feel more comfortable with you next to me. I want to know that you're safe."

I lifted a brow. "I thought that you didn't like taking care of females."

"I've changed my mind," he admitted in a tone that suggested that I already should've known this.

Giving in to my master, I obeyed and laid next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Remember the night we met, not too long back?" he asked, quietly.

I nodded. "We hated each other so much."

He chuckled lightly. "Yes, I remember."

There was a moment of peaceful silence as I reached up and touched the emerald necklace that the Goblins, thankfully, hadn't snatched off of me.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something that night," I admitted.

"Oh?" he inquired. "What would that be, Jaedda?"

"I wanted to ask you once you warmed up to me, that is, if you ever warmed up to me...which you did..."

"Tell me already," he said dryly.

"Well...I want to know...what exactly is the Arkenstone?"

He let out a small, but longer than usual laugh. "I suppose you wouldn't know what it is, now would you?"

I smiled and shook my head.

"The Arkenstone was found many, many moons ago, in the heart of the Loney Mountain. My grandfather, Thror, called it the King's Jewel, and it bestows the right to rule. It is the birth right of my people."

"Now it makes more sense..." I commented. "What does the Arkenstone look like? Is it beautiful?"

He nodded. "Yes. It is very precious..." (Gollum reference) "It resembles the iris of a beautiful white eye, mixed with the gleaming stars of the heavens in summer."

"It does sound beautiful."

"It is. And you will see it soon."

"Do you think we'll really make it to the mountain on time?" I asked.

"We'd better," he said. "Or else this quest will have been for nothing."

"Good," I said. "Because I look forward to serving you in Erebor."


In the morning, we were all gathered around Beorn's dining table. We were eating a delicious breakfast. Beorn walked around the table, pouring us each a glass of milk.

The bear-man was much taller than any human. Taller than Gandalf, even. He had long, brown hair, and eyebrows that stuck up like moth wings. He certainly struck me as a very grizzly type.

"So you are the one they call Oakenshield," Beorn spoke to Thorin. "Tell me, why is Azog the Defiler hunting you?"

"You know of Azog?" Thorin asked. "How?"

Beorn went into the story of how his kind lived in the mountains. But Azog the Defiler captured and killed most of them. I looked on his wrists and noticed the remnants of manacles wrapped around his wrists.

This poor creature had to endure the torture of Orcs, Azog the Defiler no less.

"Are there others like you?" I asked.

"Once there were many," he replied with a solemn look on his face.


"Now, there is only one."

I looked down at my lap and swallowed. Thorin put his hand on my shoulder.

Gandalf and Beorn conversed about getting to the mountain on time. They discussed Mirkwood, and how there was a darkness that lied upon it.

"I don't like dwarves," Beorn said. "They're greedy and blind. Blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own."

He picked up a mouse and started walking up to Thorin as he stood with his arms crossed. Beorn stared at the small creature for a moment before looking up, a sudden loathing in his eyes.

"But Orcs I hate more!" he exclaimed. "What do you need?"


Short and boring. But I think Thorin likes her! That makes me really fxcking happy, how bout you?

Going to see BOTFA for the 5th time this weekend. 5 times for 5 armies. My life will be complete. One last time..........

Also, I'm saving up for some Arwen cosplay and possibly some Dwarvish armor...;) I'll post a pic if I get some...

If you could live in Middle Earth, what species would you be???

I'd be an Orc!!

Jk, I'd be Gollum.

Jk, I'd be Sauron.

Jk, I'd be a hobbit. Seriously, seven meals a day, never have to go anywhere, get to live in the same place as Frodo...okay I got wet.

Imma go dry off now!! Have a good day people of Middle Earth! Please vote and comment!! It's gonna get exciting in chapter 21!! #thranduil

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