Chapter 32 - Prelude to Battle

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"Where is the Arkenstone?" Thorin demanded.

Balin, Dwalin, Bilbo and I were gathered in the throne room around Thorin. It was nearly sunrise. The wall had been built. The other dwarves were sleeping.

"We have searched high and low," Balin explained.

"And is still not found!" Thorin exclaimed.

Balin let out a sigh, dreading what he was about to say next.

"Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?"

My face grew cold, and at that moment, I feared for Bilbo. We exchanged a quick glance.

Thorin slowly turned to face us. "Know this," he began. "If anyone is to find it, and withhold it from me, I will be avenged."

And with that, he walked swiftly past me. We all looked at each other, then dispersed.

Later on, I found Balin in the cellars, with tears in his eyes. I came up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Dragon sickness," he explained to me. "I've seen it before. It is a fierce need. It cannot be cured."

"Well, say that if the Arkenstone was returned," I began. "Would it help?"

"The Arkenstone bestows the right to rule," Balin said. "But stay his madness, no lassy. I fear it would make it worse."

"There are Elves," Bofur said. "There are Elves in Dale!"

We readied our weapons, and put on armor. Thorin gave Bilbo something called; Mithril. A sort of armor that cannot be pierced by a blade.

Not much action happened that day. Bard came to bargain with Thorin, but he was harshly rejected.

Bilbo approached me later that evening. "Jaedda," he began. "I'm going to give Bard the Arkenstone."

"What?" I exclaimed. "Why?"

"Perhaps it will let Thorin bargain with Bard if Thorin has something to gain."

I thought to myself. "You know, that just might work."

"I'll be on my way then."

I grabbed his arm. "Bilbo," I said. "Please. Be careful. Thorin trusts you. You're betraying him."

He nodded. "I'm doing this for him."

He walked off and disappeared behind a corner.

The next morning, we made our way up to the top of the wall and looked out over the desolation of Smaug. An entire Elf army stood before us as well as a small militia of men.

"Ah, now tell me, Oakenshield, is that charming Nymph friend of yours still in the company?" I heard a smooth, haunting and familiar voice ask. It can't be...

I ran up to the wall and looked out. Thranduil. Even though I was afraid of him at the moment, I ran to Thorin, who held me under his arm.

"Ah, there you are." He chuckled.

"We've come to make a bargain with you," Bard explained.

"I've already told you," Thorin said. "I have no interest."

Bard pulled the Arkenstone out of his pocket. "Not even for this?"

Thorin's eyes widened.

"That is Thorin's!" Dwalin exclaimed. "You have no right to it!"

"The king can have it," Bard said. "As long as a deal is struck."

"It's a trick," Thorin claimed. "That's not the Arkenstone."

"No. No, it's no trick," Bilbo said. We slowly turned around. He had come back. But when? I guess he was a good burglar.

"What did you say?" Thorin asked.

"I gave it to them. I took it as my 15th share," Bilbo tried to joke, but failed at.

Tears sprung to Thorin's eyes. "You betrayed me?"

"Betrayed? No. No, not betrayed," Bilbo defended. "You are changed, Thorin. And not entirely for the better."

"I've heard enough!" Thorin shouted. "Throw him over the ramparts!"

We all looked at each other awkwardly at this sudden, horrid command. Bilbo looked around nervously.

"Fine! I'll do it myself!" Thorin grabbed Bilbo and started dragging him towards the edge of the wall while the rest of us tried to protest.

"You're not making a very good figure as king under the mountain, now are we, Thorin Oakenshield?" I heard an old, familiar voice ask. I looked over the edge.


Thorin's eyes widened as he let go of Bilbo, who immediately started going down a rope, leading out of the mountain.

"Never again will I have dealings with wizards!" Thorin shouted. "Or Shire rats!"

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield," Gandalf reassured.

"This is it!" Bard said. "Will you have peace? Or war?"

Thorin paused for a moment, before letting out his final answer.

"I will have war."


I know I put things waaaay out of order and for that I apologize. 2 chapters in one night. What a treat. I wanted to get lots of cannon stuff out of the way so ya

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My Heart, My Mountain, My King {Thorin Oakenshield Fanfic}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz