
"Yes, sorry. I was just thinking."


"We can't leave him here. He already knows I'm working with you. If I leave with you for a year, he will not buy that you kidnapped me. He might be able to convince Arthur."

"Since things have clearly departed from your original timeline, I think it best that you don't stay with me for the next year. Having no ally at court will leave too many things in the dark. We need to know what's going on inside the citadel."

Morgana nodded. "I agree. As much as it pains me to say it, I must remain here. But how can I grow my magical skill if you're not around to guide me?"

Morgause furrowed her brow. "Perhaps..." she turned her head and focused on the still form of king Uther, who was on the floor by the throne. "Perhaps, I won't need to leave you."

Morgana followed her gaze. "What do you mean?"

"Can we agree," she began. "That the death of king Uther would best be... delayed until we can work it in to a greater plan. A plan that will surely bring us long lasting victory."

"I suppose so..." Morgana said, uncertain. 

Morgause put a hand on her shoulder. "I know you wish to see him suffer, and you will, but killing him now, when we're in such a moment of uncertainty would be most unwise."

"You're right. Of course you're right," she said, reluctantly. 

"However, he cannot be left to rule to his own devices..." The enchantress removed a bedazzled   pendant from around her neck. Morgana watched as it swung gently from her finger tips.

"But if the king wasn't in his own mind..."

"Exactly right, Morgana."

"Sister, you would be able to remain undetected in his chambers. I will be able to seek your council whenever I wish."

"That you would."

"What about Merlin?" Both women stared at the sleeping form of the boy at their feet. "As I said, we can't leave him here, and we can't underestimate him. He may be able to break through any restrictive enchantment you place on him. There have been many times I've placed a powerful spell on the boy, only for him to break it through."

"Why don't you just kill him now?"

Morgana froze. Why shouldn't she just kill him now? "I don't know... I'd like to wait..."

"Wait for what?"

"I'm just... I'm just not ready. I want him to suffer as I suffered before he meets his end," she said, although she was unsure. 

"Keep in mind the danger. If this boy is destined to be your doom, then destiny will do anything it takes to ensure it. Killing him now would eliminate that threat entirely."

"I know... I know..." she bit her lip, trying to find the words. "But he just hasn't done anything!"

"What do you mean? You said he was the reason for all your suffering."

"He was... maybe. After Camlann, I wanted nothing more than to see him dead, but seeing him like this again... trying his hardest to be my friend and to help me, refusing to betray me when given the chance... it's just not the same. It wouldn't feel the same." She shuddered. "I don't know why, but it would feel like murdering a friend."

Morgause stared at her sister in disbelief. "I would tread carefully, sister. These feelings are most unwise."

"I know..."

She sighed reluctantly. "I will keep him until you are ready to exact your revenge. I will respect your wishes."

"I just need time."

"And I will give it to you."

Morgana let out a breath that she had been holding in for some time. "Thank you."

The armored enchantress turned her attention back to the necklace she held between her fingertips. She side eyed her sister. 

"Ealdordómlicnes geweald mín andsaca," she chanted. "Imete cynce heorte," she finished. The necklace glowed ruby red for a moment, before returning to its original emerald shade. "If this remains around Uther's neck, his mind will remain completely and utterly under my jurisdiction."

Morgana smirked and took the necklace from her sister. She walked over to her sleeping father and wrapped the pendant around his neck, taking care to tuck it under his shirt so it would not be seen. She stood and made her way back to her sister. 

"The perfect place for me to hide with the boy will be in Uther's chambers. No one will think to look in there. If any servants stumbled in, I'll capture their minds too, or kill them."

Morgana paused. "Do you think Arthur will suspect anything?"

"Not if I play my part well."

"I have faith in you, but he cares for Merlin. If he didn't show up after the attack... he would worry."

Morgause made her way to the center of the room. "Even if he does worry about the location of the boy, it's not as if he would ever be able to find him, ever think to look in his father's chambers. It does raise the question though... he might be confused when he wakes and the attack has been called off."

"I'll tell him that I took his sword and stabbed you when you weren't paying attention," she lifted the sword easily from Arthur's hand. "You had to retreat to heal your wounds."

"Will he believe that?"

"He'll believe anything."

"You'll be hailed as a hero."

"Indeed I will," she said, smiling wickedly and staring at her reflection in the blade.

"Néadhæs," Morgause whispered. One of the knights of Medhir sprang to life at her order. It stalked over to Merlin and scooped up his unconscious form. Morgause turned back to her sister. "Once we reach the king's chambers I will lift the enchantment and everyone will wake. You must be prepared to deliver your story. Is there anything else we are forgetting?"

Morgana shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Good." Morgause began to make her way to the double doors, followed by the knight carrying Merlin.

"Morgause," Morgana called out.

She turned. 

"I'll visit you tonight."

"I look forward to it."  

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