I Couldn't Save Her

Start from the beginning

"Go on."

"Merlin approached me and began a conversation. He was concerned for my well being! He nearly revealed his magic to me. I had to stop him before he did so."

"That was wise."

Morgana nodded. "Who knows what his confession would change. I wouldn't be able to act as I did without suspicion."

"Anything else?"

"He had a fight with his guardian, Gaius, about it. I followed him as he stormed off, deep into the dungeons we went. It is there where Uther kept the Great Dragon, Kilgharrah."

"Pitiful," she said in reference to Uther.

"Merlin sought his council, but... Morgause, Kilgharrah knows what I have done."

"What, how? Did he inform the boy?"

"No, to my surprise, he didn't tell him. But he knew about everything... even about Kyulds. He told me any attempt to change my destiny would be in vain!"

"Dragons, however mighty, were often a dastardly breed, only caring for themselves."

"He did warn Merlin of Kyulds."

"But not of you?"


Morgause rose from the log and paced in front of her sister. "Good... good..."

"But what the Great Dragon said about destiny-"

"You would not be here if your destiny was set in stone!"

"Your right of course," she said, although she wasn't sure. 

"I have been thinking, Morgana, about the perfect way to enact our attack, or in your case, your revenge."

This perked her up. "I'm listening."

"Revenge, it is something best served when there is something to avenge. What I'm trying to say is that, killing Merlin now, before he's had the chance to hurt you, will not be as satisfying..."

"What are you saying."

"I think you should give the boy the same opportunity to poison you."

"Relive that betrayal?"

"It will feel twice as good when you finally exact your revenge. What is the use of killing the boy before he reveals his true nature towards you?"

Morgana thought for a moment, then smiled. Morgause was right. She could picture it now: Merlin standing over her, thinking he'd finished her off, but to his surprise... 

"I agree, I will wait."

"Remind me, sister, what was the poison he used?"


"Then I will enchant a concoction for you that will make you immune to this poison."

"When should I strike?"

"You need to be trained, Morgana. I suggest taking the same year absence from Camelot, to spend it with me. We can use this time to formulate a plan, to get a hold of your magic."

Morgana nodded in agreement. "But sister, promise me one thing."


"The knights of Medhir must ride as soon as possible. I will not wait much longer."

"It will be as you wish. I will prepare them at once."

"Thank you, sister."

Morgause knelt beside Morgana and held her face with her hands. "You are strong Morgana. Stronger than most I know of. That is how I know, together, we can build a world we both dream of."

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