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Author: Sam Freddy


Rocking a blue bucket hat with extra dark sunshades, a navy blue long-sleeved jacket, a white baggy shirt inside and black jiggy jeans, coupled with a matching pair of white socks and black and white Nike shoes, Isioma sauntered out of her lecturer's office like a boss, feeling on top of the world.

Mike, who had been waiting for her on a bench for over ten minutes, jumped up on seeing her. She had a big smile on her face, which prompted Mike to ask, “It's about time! So how did it go?”

“Well, it seems I won't be having any more trouble from Mr. Rochas, pal.” Isioma reported, pocketing her sunshades. “The big bad wolf has surrendered, miraculously.”

“Aha! You see? I told you my plan would work!” Mike embraced Isioma out of sheer excitement. “Now you've gotten justice.”

“Yeah, all thanks to you and your confidential friends, or sources, or whatever you called them.”

Mike laughed, feeling Isioma's arms around him too. “You're welcome, funny girl.”

“Hey!” Isioma broke the hug and pressed her finger against Mike's chest. “Just because you've helped me doesn't give you the right to call me a girl. Address me properly. I'm a 'lady', not a 'girl', and I am not your mate.”

“Can you imagine?” Mike chuckled. “Is it because I look so young? How old are you?”

“I'm twenty-one. You?”

“Same here. We are age mates.”

“Nah, I don't think so.” Isioma disagreed. “We may be age mates physically, but we aren't mates mentally. I'm sure I'm more experienced than you are.”

“Really?” Mike folded his arms. “How so?”

“Duh! It's a well-known fact that girls are always smarter than boys in many areas of life. It's a no-brainer.”

“Oh, really? I see. In that case, why didn't you think of a solution to your problem on the day I met you weeping here, Miss Smarty Pants? Why was I the one that brought up an idea for your sorry ass?”

Isioma's smile broke into laughter. “Heck! You got me!”

Just then, Jordan appeared from a passageway that led to the lecturers' block, and he was equally surprised to see Isioma standing right there, laughing so close to a drop-dead handsome fella.

“Whoa! Look who we have here.” Isioma jested, as Jordan approached them. “If it isn't Mr. River Jordan himself, my former crush.”

Jordan stopped before them, feeling awkward.

Isioma noticed. “Well, Jordan, this is Mike, the guy I told you about that was helping me with my unfortunate issue,” she said to clear the air. “And Mike, meet Jordan, my best friend for now.”

Both men shook hands and greeted each other after Isioma's introduction, but something about Jordan's mood just didn't sit well with Isioma's vibe. She saw the look of uneasiness on his face, despite the façade he was putting up.

“Is everything all right, JD?”


“You sure? 'Cause you seem kinda flushed.”

“Me? Flushed? Nah, I'm good,” he faked a smile. “So what are you doing here?”

“Well,” Isioma played along, paying attention to his mood, “you won't believe what just happened!”

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