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Author: Sam Freddy



While so many other students sat in pairs and in groups at different spots of the Lagoon Front, Idara sat all alone on the same low, stony pavement, thinking deeply.

Absently playing Anastasia's acoustic guitar with closed eyes, she thought about her childhood with Yomi. Yomi had always been a significant figure in Idara's life since she was six. He'd shaped her in so many unbelievable ways. He was like the brave Jack to her Rose, and she, in turn, was like the relentless Ann Darrow to his King Kong, but he never realized that. Sadly, the extra special love was one-sided.

Idara remembered once when she was sick and drenched in the rain, but Yomi carried her on his back regardless, all the way from their secondary school to the estate where they both used to live. She chuckled at the lovely memory.

Maybe their friendship would've blossomed into something serious if she and her father hadn't moved out of the estate when her elder brother died. Maybe she would've visited him once in a while if his family hadn't sold their house and moved out of Lagos a month after she left. Maybe they would've been more than just best friends if distance hadn't separated them for a long time. Maybe, just maybe things would've been way more different than they were right now, she wondered.

But all of that didn't matter now. All that really mattered now was that they had been reunited in school, and she was extremely glad about it.

"You are the worst guitarist I have ever seen in my life." A familiar voice mocked behind her, laughing coolly. "No kidding."

Idara opened her eyes and smiled without looking back. She didn't have to. His sonorous voice was more than enough to send rapid jolts of permanent bliss straight to her pure heart. "You finally made it. Took you long enough."

Yomi huffed and sat down beside her with his right foot resting on a log of wood below. "You do know that the way you are sitting facing the lagoon is strictly prohibited, right?"

"Yeah. I know. I just don't care."

Yomi smirked. "Always the stubborn one. I shouldn't be surprised," he shook his head slowly. "Where's Asia, by the way?"

Idara finally looked at the gorgeous face of the fine gentleman sitting beside her, gracing the old pavement with his very presence. "She left some minutes ago. Her brother called. Said it was urgent. It has to do with the apartment issue that I told you about last week. I just hope she likes it, though, because if she does, she'll definitely rent it, and then I get to move in with her straight up."

"Lucky you, I guess." Yomi stifled a chuckle. "But what makes you think she needs company, though?"

"She said it herself." Idara's eyes were now glued to the fancy nylons in Yomi's hands. "She told me not to worry about the rent since her wealthy uncle already has it covered. All she needs is someone to vibe with in the house, and a trustworthy person at that. Which, in this case, happens to be me, baby. So, yeah. Lucky me indeed."

Yomi couldn't help but smile as he handed the nylons to Idara. "Well, good for you and bad for her, then," he said. "Now you have all this to yourself." He then took the guitar off her thighs and watched as she rummaged in the nylons like her life depended on it.

"Small chops. Potato chips. Sausage rolls. Fresh coconut bread. Chocolate biscuits. Soft drinks. Raw eggs, raw rice and abundant ingredients. Sweet Jesus!" Idara's eyes widened. "All these for us?"

"Pretty much."

"Wow. Don't you think it's too much?" Idara's mouth was literally agape. "At least we could share some of 'em with you."

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