33 - Sudden surprise

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Neil's POV

I squirm at the tickling sensation on my feet, disrupting my peaceful slumber. A thud echoes, baffling me awake. I groan, shifting to the cooler side of the pillow again when I see someone through my squinting eyes, the figure stops at the door, a presence of a small smile makes my heart happy as I realize who it was.


She hums, walking towards and sitting beside me. She caresses my hair and smiles, "Having your good sleep?"

I nod, agreeing. I so dreaded my schedule these days, it was tiring to work without a proper ounce of sleep, which seemed to put a brake on my regular healthy activities. I barely had time to take a jog early in the morning or rather gyming, which wasn't rare but quite seldom.

"You've been busy these days."

I know. So much that it inflicts my family time. I spent more time in the small apartment than home, going through cases. Last time, I don't remember work being this hectic.

Instead of voicing out my mind, I just nod at her, sheepishly, trying to assure her I was doing just fine.

I hear a small chuckle, "Wake up, you're still sleepy. Do you know what's the time?"

I shake my head. "It's three in the afternoon."

My eyes widen in shock, I jump and sit up straight and glance at her, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"At what time were you here?"

"Probably seven in the morning, why?"

"Then, you at least deserve eight hours of sleep."

I sheepishly smile, "Thanks Bebe, who'll love me more than you."

"Well...that I'm not sure of."

I frown, "You should say, No one."

"Okay!! Now, come down... someone is here to see you."


"Before you ask who, I am going. Take your time." She walks away without another glance, leaving me to presume about certain things.

After freshening up and taking a quick bath, I change into sweats and check my phone for any important information. Fortunately, there weren't any missed calls or messages that required my presence at the office, as of now.

Not for a long time though.

You have 2 messages from Ms. Avni Raichand.

I should've expected it, the last time I met her was late after midnight, dropping her off at her home, then I remember going back to my apartment, whilst asking a quick question before heading to the meeting.

Ms. Avni Raichand
Oh, I did reach safely.   
→Thanks for the ride and I enjoyed spending time with you.
04.55 am

I smiled at the message, I couldn't help but feel light-headed about the interactions yesterday. A tingling feeling grew inside, I can't seem to brush it away, it meddles with my mind sometimes, totally distracting me.

←You know my answer, since you know my answer.
15:37 pm

I just put the device back on the bedside table and begin to stand up when it buzzes again.

Surprisingly, it was someone I didn't expect. When did she ever reply this instantly...

Not that I do too.

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