26 - Get a boyfriend

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Avni's POV

I saw his eyes widen at Piya's question after he almost choked on water, his eyes lingered on the bed for a few seconds before he passed a nervous smile to her.

Piya tilted her head. "Don't tell me you weren't planning on that." She scoffed in disbelief.

I glared at her. "Aren't you going to work?" I pressed my lips into a smile.

Just go away.

"I am." She replied.

"I guess you should excuse yourself then."

"Neil, you've to try real hard to get an answer from her," Piya said, ignoring my warning to leave.

"Sure, I will."

I gasped when he answered that, and I stared at him as I gulped while he flashed a smile at me.

"Woah, some skills you use while interrogating criminals would help you a lot." She chuckled.

"Can you just go?" I rolled my eyes.

"She isn't a criminal I'm interrogating so I will make better ways to do so." He grinned before he glanced my way, "Also, I think you should get better then we'll talk about anything."

I just stared at him. He was so patient and calm while I wasn't. Piya cooed at the answer she got but I ignored her. Her phone rang, and she left the room and I was lost in thoughts but Neil said something that made me confused.

"But you sure have done a crime..."

I scrunched my eyebrows, giving him a stern look.

He neared me, extremely close to my ears and my eyes widened at his sudden move.

Don't be that dream.

I fluttered my eyes shut, praying for that dream to not be real.

"Of stealing my heart."

He chuckled as he backed away, slightly grinning.

"Uh...that was really cheesy."

"Don't your fans do the same to you? Tell them it's cheesy." He interrogated.

"It is, but I like it," I admitted.

He huffed, "And you don't when I do?"

"It's different."

"How so?"

"Just cause."

"You are so stubborn at not answering questions." He scoffed. "But nevermind, you've got to accept if I take you out-"

"That's not happening." I glared at him.

"I am not asking you Ms Raichand. I am telling you." He smirked.

Jesus. This guy.

"And I am not complying with it." I rolled my eyes.

"You are."

"You are."

We both jerked our attention to Piya who said exactly what Neil said. She looked at me, glaring.

"You are no one to say no," Piya whispered in a low voice.

"It's about me and him, so yes I have a say in that."

"No, you don't."


"In your love life, you just don't."

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