30 - Caught in a daze

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Avni's POV

I once, felt this embarrassment, when the whole class was gushy and you could hear nothing except the noise and then suddenly you trip and fall hard on the floor and shush, the whole atmosphere is changed. Everyone is looking at you, eyes widened and you don't know how many years later you'll still be unable to sleep because your brain likes to remind you and laugh at you.

I remember that day, and sometimes I still feel like crying over why I tripped.

Today, out of every person I've known, it had to be him.

I watched as Neil eyed her, studying carefully. She was quiet, palm still on her mouth.

Way to make it more obvious, Piya. Do something... anything?

"What did you say?" I thought I heard him chuckle by the end or was it just my imagination?

"Um...Avni, she is–" she pointed upstairs and then kitchen—Dammit—then towards the front door, "must be somewhere...right?" She looked at him, grinning but I knew she was trying to cover up.

I scanned the area, trying to think of something. I couldn't go back upstairs, that would need me, exiting from the kitchen and here I am...hidden behind the back door.

He spoke so low, I couldn't hear. I leaned in a bit more, balancing myself as I bent over. I took little steps, crouching down and hid behind the counter.

What are we playing? Hide and seek.

I ignored it. I tried to listen to their gushed voices or maybe just his. He was telling her something.

"...I need you to tell her. Will you do it?"

Tell me what?

I tried to move to the edge, gripping the kitchen counter tightly for keeping myself intact, since I couldn't use my right hand.

My hand came in contact with a glass, it fell, the smashing sound resonated and I fluttered my eyes shut.


I heard footsteps, rushing towards me. I fidgeted with my fingers, what do I tell him? I fell asleep?

You sound stupid.

I know.



I looked up, trying to seem as normal as I could. Hiding here like a little kid didn't seem like a good idea now.

His eyes shifted from me towards the shattered glass, I didn't know how many pieces it broke into.

I had a tee and shorts on, I quickly composed myself as I realised my posture and stood up.

He walked towards me, carefully, not stepping onto the glass and firmly held my left arm.

"Don't mov–" But I already did. I winced when I felt a sharp stinging pain under my feet.

"I'll clean it," Piya said.

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