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Detention, the schools way of letting you know you fucked up and punishing you for whatever mundane things you've done.

Only I my case I hadn't actually done anything to land myself locked up in the library, it was just one of the perks of having Petra as my pledge.

I wasn't the only one stuck locked up for the weekend for something I didn't do, Saya was also thrown in here due to Marcus' little stunt at the dance.

As well as the four of us, Viktor, Chico and Jayden had landed themselves in detention for things I didn't know or quite frankly care about.

Right now I was stuck sat beside Marcus, and by sat I mean practically laid on the table, as Viktor used our table to do his press-ups. I don't know why seeming as he had the entire floor to utilise.

"Hey Viktor, got the time?" Marcus joked, glancing down at the two watches on the Russians wrist.

Viktor scoffed as he got to his feet "Very funny, Nancy boy. Is swatch, top American style."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I lifted my head to look at the boy "If it's 'top American style' wouldn't we all be wearing it?"

"No it's smart," Marcus nodded "In case he breaks the other two."

The loud bang of Chico's chair hitting the floor makes me and Jayden jump, waking us up abruptly and rather unnecessarily.

"Fuck Lin!" The Latino yelled "Once I get what I want from this joint I'm gonna stick a machete up his ass!"

Knowing Marcus, I knew he had a smart remark to respond with. But the curly little fucker spat it out before I managed to warn against it.

"Now he pipes up! Forty five minutes after he left."

Dear God, if you're listening, don't let this man beat Marcus half to death again because of his smartass mouth because I can assure you nobody in this room has the energy to stop him.

"You're the one I should be carving up, Arguello." Chico threatened, drawing closer to us "Your queefy dart bullshit got us thrown in here, yeah?"

There was a brief pause, and for a moment I thought maybe Marcus wouldn't be a smart dick and just drop the conversation.

But, of course, I thought wrong.

"You think the queefy dart was faster than the Flash?" He questioned, not talking to anyone in particular.

Saya, who was now lying on top of a bookshelf, joined in the conversation "No, but he could out-queef Superman for sure."

Chico huffed, flipping the pair off before retreating back to his table and ending the conversation.

Marcus went back to scribbling in his notebook, making me extremely jealous that he managed to sneak it in and not get it confiscated.

Bored, I got to my feet and wandered over to a bookshelf. Surely with the amount of books in here I'd find something I'm interested in, if not I was stealing Marcus' pen and doodling on the tables.

"Isn't it crazy how—"

"Christ, are you still talking?" I asked jokingly, looking through the row of books to see if anything caught my eye "Silence is golden and all that."

Although I couldn't see him I could practically feel the boy rolling his eyes "I hope you swallow your tongue in your sleep."

I laughed quietly to myself, finally deciding on something to read and pulling the book from the shelf "Now, now, Marcus. Is that any way to talk to a lady?" I feigned offence as I returned to my seat, ignoring the sarcastic snort of laughter from Chico.

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