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There was a pretty big turnout for Petras moonshine, both Legacies and Rats alike sat, drank and chatted as they listened to music.

Willie didn't show, and any other FWO were already drunk, high or both. Marcus showed up with Maria of all people and I just prayed that nothing kicked off again with him and Chico.

I leant against the slightly unstable wall of the roof as I looked out over the city, a red cup of Petras foul tasting drink in my hand. I thought about my assignment, I completed it before joining Willie to do his too. Child's play really, it was depressing how Kings managed to turn something as horrific as murder into something as easy as writing an essay.

From the corner of my eye I could see Marcus joining me, leaning against the wall with his own cup in hand. He didn't say anything, it seemed like he was waiting for me to initiate conversation.

"You saved Willies life tonight." I sighed, taking a long drink from my cup "I won't forget that. Thank you Marcus."

"It's cool, it would've been helpful to know about his..situation..before teaming up though." He replied with a short laugh "There was something that confused me though, why did Willie bring you along if he was planning to get my help?"

There was a brief moment of silence as I finished my drink "When I took over with Willie I made it a rule that none of our people go anywhere alone, with the exception of going home of course. Willies folks are all I got, I need to make sure we're all looked after right."

"You and Willie are related?"

"Not exactly, Mister President got my mom and dad killed. I ended up being adopted by Willies aunt." I explained briefly as I discarded my cup "You're not the only one with a problem with Reagan."

He sighed, taking a drink himself before shaking his head "You heard about that then? News travels fast in this place."

I laughed "Like you wouldn't believe. I heard whispers that you're planning on assassinating the President, but that's about it. Oh, and that bullshit that you killed all those kids."

He pushed himself up off the wall, raising an eyebrow at what I'd said "What makes you think it's bullshit?"

"You hesitated tonight. If you really had killed about a dozen people you wouldn't have had a problem killing someone who deserved it." I shrugged, turning so my back was leant on the wall now.

"You're good," Marcus pointed at me with another small laugh "If the whole assassin thing doesn't work out for you, consider becoming a therapist."

"I'm not here to become an assassin, I'm here for the same reasons you are."

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"A reason to wake up in the morning, a sense of belonging, the natural want of family and friends. Reagan is a short term goal, when it's done it's done. But Kings? Nah Kings really is something else."

Another silence falls between us, a comfortable one. I look around at all the people up on the roof whilst Marcus drinks and processes what I'd just said. I actually liked talking to him, even though he was a sarcastic asshole a lot of the time, there was something there that just made him easy to talk to.

"Don't worry about Rory, morality is just comfort food for the soul, it isn't worth shit outside of that." I try sound reassuring as I give him a small smile "And now that you're back you'll be public enemy number one."

"Is that because I left or because I came back?" He questioned, seemingly unbothered by the fact he's quickly becoming a target.

"Because you're new, with no affiliation and a plan to take out the president." I chuckled "It's getting late, I should probably get back to my dorm. Thank you again, for tonight."

𝖢𝖠𝖫𝖫 𝖬𝖤 𝖡𝖸 𝖸𝖮𝖴𝖱 𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖤 || MLA|| ON HOLDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ