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I sometimes sit and wonder where all the happiness went, all the laughter, the joy.

The world has a funny way of turning on its head once you're old enough to understand what was going on around you.

One day your biggest concern is who you're going to play with at recess and then suddenly there's so much pressure on you in every aspect of your life.

Willie tells me I need to lighten up, try and find a bright side or else I just might go under, succumb to the pain and misery of what your life inevitably turns into.

I don't blame my biological parents for how I feel, or my adoptive parents, I don't even blame Kings Dominion.

Honestly, I don't even know if there's anyone to blame. I've heard the phrase 'bad things happen to good people' and it's the biggest crock of shit I've heard in my life.

Bad things happen to everyone, wether you're a saint or a sinner, the only difference is how you process it and eventually move on from it.

I wondered if that's how things were for the new boy, Marcus. His reputation proceeded him the second he'd arrived at Kings, some thought he was insane, some feared him, a handful found it funny.

Me? I didn't believe in listening to mindless gossip, one person can fabricate so much and have numerous people believing in something that isn't real.

For example, God.

Or Willie, the whole gangster facade he projected onto everyone to seem tougher than he really was. He had a lot of people fooled, but not me, I knew about his father.

"Yo, Carrow, hello?" Willie waved his hand in front of my face as we sat in the cafeteria, I must've zoned out "You good?"

"Him. He's the new boy, right?" I questioned, pointing to who I believed to be Marcus sitting with Billy Bennett at the Rat table.

Willie glanced in the direction I pointed and nodded his head "Marcus Lopez Arguello, he's the kid who burnt down that boys home."

I hummed in response, rising to my feet "I'm going to go introduce myself, and FWO, if he's as batshit as they say he might be good to have on our side."

The whole Legacy versus Rat ideology that lingered in the school like a bad smell wasn't something I cared much for, classism wasn't exactly my cup of tea.

As I approached their table, Billy hit Marcus' shoulder and whispered something before sitting up a little straighter.

"Hectate Carrow," I introduced myself as I held out my hand "Co-leader of Final World Order, you met my partner Willie last night."

Hesitantly the olive skinned boy shook my head "I'm Marcus, leader of nothing. Your boyfriend—"

"I don't have a boyfriend," I grimaced, cutting his sentence short "Willie and I are business partners, friends, boyfriends are messy and never work out well at Kings."

"How would you know if you've never had a boyfriend?"

"Did I say I've never had a boyfriend?"

Just from a very brief conversation I already knew Marcus was going to cause quite the stir at this school, he had a smart mouth and whilst that wasn't rare here it certainly was dangerous.

There was something else about him that screamed trouble, something I couldn't quite place. I consider myself a good judge of character in most cases, but this boy had such a confusing front that I don't think he even knows what's going on with him.

"I hope I don't sound rude," Billy began, looking like a lost little puppy "What are you doing here? We're Rats.."

Though I was ashamed to admit it, I had a soft spot for the Bennett boy, a large part of me wanted to be his friend. His less than ideal home life was common knowledge, and common gossip, amongst students and my heart went out to him. Even despite being dealt a shitty hand in life he still managed to be a ray of light this place so desperately needed.

I offered him a small smile before speaking "I don't engage in classism, a title such as a legacy or a Rat is just a word. I'm no better than any other student here, just as there's no better than I."

Marcus' eyebrows raised ever so slightly as he listened to me speak "So you believe we're equal to you?" He asked, motioning between himself and his friend.

"You'll find Final World Order tend to think differently to the likes of The Dixie Mob or the Kuroki Syndicate." I nodded, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the rival gangs "Willie and I have a conscience, so do our people. We look out for those who look out for ours."

It was mostly the truth, Willie took over the Final World Order and wanted to change what it meant to be a member, when he asked me to lead with him I was beyond honoured.

Of course we're aware of, and respect, our privilege when it come to being a legacy. We're proud of who we are, but we don't let it define us.

Willie being a pacifist and me being an equalist meant that FWO was finally getting a much needed attitude adjustment.
But that didn't mean we neglected our image or our reputation.

"I'll let you two get back to enjoying your lunch, hopefully what I've said helps clear up your perspective a little." I gave the two boys a small smile before turning and returning to my own table.

Sotos Vatos and their leader, Chico, glared at me as I passed by, something that wasn't uncommon. Sotos Vatos were one of the more 'I'm better than you' gangs at Kings and saw showing basic respect as a kind of weakness.

All conversation ended when I returned to my seat, my friends all interested to hear what was talked about.

I was the talker for Final World Order, my ability to remain calm, listen and negotiate earned me that spot fairly early on and I was rarely unsuccessful in what I got into.

"Hectate, did you invite those greasy boys to join FWO?" Kyla, a usually quiet girl, spoke up "Don't get me wrong, I don't care that they're Rats, I just think it should be discussed before—"

"This is mine and Willies gang, what goes on in it is between me and him. We run it with everyone's benefit in mind." I interrupted, almost sounding bored.

It was a reoccurring thing, myself or Willie, usually me, having to remind people of their place in the gang. We were put in charge for a reason and if our own people second guessed us problems would arise.

"I want you all to keep an eye on Marcus." I instructed quietly "Anything happens you come straight to me or Willie, understand?"

There was something not quite right with Marcus' situation, and believe me I was gonna get to the bottom of it.

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