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It's 3.30 pm. I have an appointment at the Aphrodite Industries Head office for my internship. If everything goes well, I can directly start working with them after graduation. I am standing in front of the reception desk. A tall black woman walks in. She has a gorgeous complexion and looked highly polished with extreme composure. 

"Good evening. I am Chloe Cruise. Senior Human Resource Manager. I volunteered to pass on the details for the internship this year. You must be Ryan Levy if I'm not wrong?" she asked, in a friendly, yet refined tone. 

"Yes ma'am. I am supposed to start today as per the instructions." I reply, failing to hide my nervousness. 

"Ryan you do not need to worry. Here at Aphrodite, our associates treat each other like family." She said with a pleasant smile. I sighed a bit in relief. 

"So you will be working on the 12th floor. We have a board meeting today in about, 15 minutes," she said, checking the time as we entered the elevator. " I doubt you can join the meeting on the first day here, uh, confidentiality reasons." She smiled again, uneasily. "I understand, ma'am," I responded. 

As we reach the 12th floor, she pointed towards a room with glass doors. It had about 15 members sitting inside, and a woman standing in the middle, as they all speak. That woman looked awfully familiar. As she turned around, I recognise who she was. Rosaline Aphrodite Garcia. Oh god! How could I forget that she is the heir of this multi-billionaire company! 

As I watch her stand there listening, she has a blank look on her face. After a few minutes, she slams her hand on the table. The room suddenly goes hushed. She picks up one of the two files kept in front of one of the guys, and she throws them right at his face. The papers scatter everywhere. Amidst all this drama, everyone is silent, where she is glaring at the person as if she would light him on fire by doing so. 

She waves her hand in the air as if signalling someone to come inside. Chloe looks at me and says, "Good Luck. Expectedly, you will survive her rage." she smiles, almost apologetically.

Chloe signals me to go inside. She herself follows me inside the board room. Everyone is looking downward, at the ground. Trying to dodge making eye contact. Chloe goes forward and whispers something into Rosaline's ears. Rosaline nods mildly, with her eyes closed. 

Rosaline then takes the second file there in her hand and spoke, "Listen up everyone. You all are departmental representatives of the biggest company in the world for a reason. That reason is that you are the very best at your jobs. I haven't even graduated yet and everyone in this room is much older and more experienced than me. I respect that, I respect you all." She pauses for a second to take in a breath.

"But, except that, I'm on a higher status here. This is my father's enterprise and I work just as hard as he did. If someone does anything to undermine it, I will get rid of them. Do I make myself clear?" Everyone nods their head, speechlessly. 

"Good." I was startled for a second when she suddenly handed me the second file. As she does that, the person in front of me looks at me with wide eyes. Rosaline faces the guy and speaks, "Also Elliot, if even after 3 months you can't produce a good report and make a report based proposal, you might as well throw your Ivy league degree in the bin and let the intern do the task. He will certainly do a more reliable job than you did." Elliot glares at me and then turns his head to look at the ground again. While Rosaline didn't seem to recognise me. With this, she walked out of the board room. 

Honestly, she really is domineering. First, she screams at me in front of the whole student body at the university, then she makes her friend pay me. The Elites really are arrogant jerks who go around waving their money into everybody's face. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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