Labyrinth 36

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The Melody of Agony

Third's Person POV

Infront was a fine man, who was standing tall, boost with his unresisting mystery surrounding him.  With his delicate candle like fingers, he's stroking every strings with a mixed, hard-to-read expression in his cold drowsy eyes. Seems he's clouded with different pain, agony, and misery. Killer is the combination, isn't? With every stroke, the pain just dive deep piercing in his soul, just like how his deep careful stroke produces the soothing song that everyone was left in awe.

"It seems Damen was under someone's control."


The red string hugging his arms might be held by the puppeteer, whom they said the evil manipulator of these deadly games. But could this also mean that not only he is under the puppeteer's power?

"It's feels he's also under a spell." Laine enunciates every theory she formulates. But guess it made a point, a twist in their fate. Damen was under the spell of pain. They said our thoughts were our worst enemy. Well, he is under the control of the monster inside his head. But then, can this spell be broken? Then, who will dare to fight the monsters inside his head when it's already taking over his sanity?

"Creepy." Abi's voice sounded with fright neither a compliment.

The marionette man performing the wonderful piece, hitting every notes excellently but with that perfectly said, every stroke was breathtakingly beautiful. His moves speaks the domination over his passion. Slaying the masterpiece and sending every emotions of it to his friends, that were now watching him as an audience. They were in awe as their hearts gripped with sadness. Nevertheless, the violinist marionette was shining on the stage...


—but everyone was left frightened when a loud screeched from his stroke was created. It's as if a squeak of frequency resurface their ears!

Nevertheless, never did he failed a single note nor did a mistake in any of his performances. He's always the outstanding one than the others. He's known for being an ace, but what now? What had happened?

Is he really the ace after all?

I don't think so.

"Damen..." Melody's voice even stuttered, gazing at him with her worried eyes. But it seems he didn't even heard any of her and continued to stroke the strings that creates a loud irritating screech! It was so loud that everyone can't help but cover their ears! It's a horrifying scene!

He's pouring his fire.

The violin he loves to play since being a child was now receiving all his pain. The violin who's the witness of his suffering knew his cold heart well. All throughout his amazing performances depict the agony he felt. He was suffocated by the control of his father's expectation, being a son of a wide-known company, having high position with greater responsibility, being expected to be always perfect, being pressured by the society... With the scrutinizing eyes guarding him every moment, waiting for him to commit any mistakes— he's tired of them.

He was tired of being the perfect son!

The rackety screeching sound coming from his violin didn't stop. He's absolutely breaking with every stroke he makes. The eyes with misery was now flaming with anger as he harshly throw the violin and bow, the red strings in his arms fall as he stumbled and fall on his knees. A tear escaped his eyes as his voice thunders trying to break free from his past!

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