ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19: ᴀ ʀᴇᴄɪᴘᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴅɪꜱᴀꜱᴛᴇʀ

564 20 0

"When we let it build, it will eventually break."

One last straw, pushes Moira over the edge.


I refused to leave my room. Even when my comm started going off. Various people left me messages, concerned for my well being. Sinker had come by earlier today. Trying to coax me out of the room.

"Hey Kid, are you doing alright? Everyone is worried about you, we haven't seen you in three days. There's some food out here for you if you're hungry..."

But I said nothing, not even opening the door to the room. Master Plo had tried checking on me each day, knocking and trying to reach me through the Force. I ignored it. I wasn't ready to face them, not after what the Commander said. I couldn't help but wonder if all the other clones felt the same way about me as Wolffe did. Sure, Comet, Sinker and Boost had been kind to me, but what if Master Plo had just pressured them into being kind to me. What if this was all an act?

I spent most of the time in my room thinking about my conversation with the Commander. Flinching at the memories, the pain. When I wasn't thinking, I was checking in with Obi-Wan, hearing about the updates on Ahsoka.

They weren't good.

Ahsoka had apparently locked herself in the Temple ever since the incident. She had been balling her eyes out every night, while her Master tried to comfort her. I felt terrible, wanting nothing more than to take a shuttle and give Ahsoka a hug, whispering that it would all be okay. However, anytime I brought up the idea, Obi-Wan shot it down instantly. Telling me that "It is still early, give her some time." and that she was in "good hands."

The only good side to the reports was that Obi-Wan was being honest with me. Not that I could tell if he wasn't. I noticed with my time in my room that, if Ahsoka was in such distress, then I would have felt her pain. No matter the distance, we had such a close bond together, and yet I couldn't reach her.

I decided to test a hypothesis of mine. I got into a light meditation, sinking deeper into the Force as I tried to connect with Ahsoka, to at least give her some comfort. But I couldn't.

When I tried sending something through our bond, it bounced back at me, like there was a wall. I studied the wall for a few moments, before I realized it wasn't a wall, it was a Force Signature, blocking my connection to Ahsoka. It seemed so familiar. Upon further examination I found it to be the Force Signature of one Mace Windu.

I snapped out of my meditation, a new ball of anger beginning to form. I was willing to put up with a New Master, a talking Crystal and a new identity. But what I would NOT stand for was someone trying to separate me from someone I cared about. Someone I knew was in pain, and I couldn't do anything about it!

A storm was brewing.

As I sat there in silence upon the new discovery, it only grew. It was as if every painful memory I had ever experienced was coming at me from every which way. Master Di's death, being forced to take on the role of the Crystal Bearer, being brought back to the Temple, the explosion, Wolffe's anger... then the storm began. One question remained. One that I had to know the answer to.

I jumped up from my seat, following the flow of the Force, until I found myself staring down Master Plo, who was sitting in the gym, again.

He looked at me with a smile, before frowning. He must have sensed my uneasiness.

"Is everyth-"

"DID YOU KNOW?" I shouted, clutching my fists tightly, as my body shook with anger.


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