ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3: ᴛʀᴀᴜᴍᴀ ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ

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"Clarity requires confirmation."

Moira's meeting with the Council has some of its members rethinking their previous doubts.


I shuttered, as the death of my Master replayed in my mind. I was still in denial that he was dead, but I knew sooner or later I would have to accept it. I continued to stare out the windows that were outside the High Council Chambers, just counting how many red and blue speeders I could find. It was the only thing I could do to distract myself from the upcoming meeting that I was quietly dreading.

About five minutes later as I was approaching 100 red speeders, a temple guard came up to me, making me lose count. I turned my attention to him as he spoke.

"The Council will see you now, Padawan Vesper."

I nodded in thanks to the guard as I approached the doors to the Council Chamber. I took a deep breath, maximizing my shields and opened the doors.

As I walked into the room, I noticed that the whole Council was there in-person. Which is surprising considering we are fighting in a freakin' war right now! I stopped in the center of the room, feeling all eyes on me. I glanced around the room briefly, catching the eye of a few council members. Master Ti and Master Koth in particular sent me sad understanding smiles.

They knew.

I felt slight relief at the fact that I would not have to be the bearer of bad news, but I still felt uneasy. The rest of the council looked at me... intrigued? As if they were expecting something big to happen at any moment. I just stood there, feeling slightly awkward, until Master Yoda spoke up. "Greetings Padawan Vesper, saddened by the loss of Master Di, we are. Our sympathies, you have." I smiled sadly. "Thank you, Master Yoda." I said, bowing. I could hear his sincerity and noted the slight nodding of the other Council members, echoing Master Yoda's words. But something still felt off. I was here for another reason. I could feel it. " Forgive my bluntness Masters, but I am sensing you summoned me here for another reason." I said, mustering as much politeness into my tone as I could. Master Windu nodded at this. " Yes. We would like to hear your report on what happened on Ryloth."

I nodded at this in understanding. My Master always went to the Council after every mission to debrief them. It was nothing new, but this was the first time I had ever given a debriefing. I organized my thoughts, trying to push back any emotions that threatened to leak through my calm façade. "Of Course, Master Windu." I said.

" For the last two weeks we had been working closely with the Twi' lek freedom fighters to try and gain any amount of territory we could while freeing any villagers that had been taken prisoner." I looked around as I spoke, the Council appeared to listen, but they seemed on edge, like they were waiting to hear about something specific. I shook it off and continued my report. "Yesterday, our right flank was overwhelmed by the Seperatist forces. Master Di decided we would provide a distraction for the Twi' lek by facing the droids head on, while everyone else escaped. He told me..." I said my voice trailing off slightly. My chest beginning to burn.

"Have something to tell us, do you?" Master Yoda asked, his hand resting on his chin. I nodded. "Yes, Master Yoda. My Master ordered me to go to the emergency shuttle that was leaving. I tried to object to his plan, but he didn't listen and sent me to the shuttle. As I was getting closer, I heard the blasting start... then I heard the screaming from my men. After a few minutes, I couldn't take it anymore! I started sprinting to the front lines, deflecting whatever I could. When I got up there I saw Master Di and Captain Keeli back to back, surrounded by droids from every direction..." At this point my voice was cracking. I tried to keep my face neutral, but the tears in my eyes threatened to betray me. Members of the Council were sending me sympathetic looks.

I couldn't stand it. The pain in my chest was growing with every second. I bit the side of my lip. Should I even tell them?

"Holding something back, you are. Be open with us, you should. Judge you, we will not." Master Yoda said firmly. Most of the Council nodded at his words.

I had to.

I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. "It was the strangest thing. My mind was panicking, my whole body was shaking and I thought I was about to pass out... but I didn't. My vision went white and I felt myself instantly calm down. My mind was instantly clear." I said slowly, realization dawning on me. "Then I heard a quiet voice. It was at the back of my head, saying 'save them." Master Yoda hummed, in deep thought.

"Continue Padawan." Master Windu said.

I nodded. " Then my body moved on it's own accord. I started slicing droids down, moving faster each time, then I felt incredibly light and I must have passed out. The next thing I knew I was on a gunship being held by some clones. I saw my Master was still surrounded and tried to get to him, but my body felt too weak with the soldiers holding me." I then let out a shuttered breath.

" After the doors closed, my vision went white again and suddenly I could see Master Di on the battlefield again. Even though I wasn't there."

At that, the room froze collectively. "What happened next?" Master Windu asked.

The Council hanging onto my every word. "I saw Master Di's comm go off saying that they had broken through the blockade. After hearing that, I saw a blaster bolt zoom past me in slow motion. Then it hit Master Di, in his chest. Soon he was hit from all around him and he fell to the ground. Moments later I snapped back to reality and felt a strong burning sensation in my chest. The same place Master Di had been hit. The rest is just a blur." I finished, looking around the room. The Council Members all seemed to snap out of their rigid positions, covering what seemed like disbelief, before the air in the room turned normal.

"Anything else to add, do you?" Master Yoda asked.

"No Master Yoda." I said calmly.

Master Yoda turned to look at Master Windu as they appeared to share a few silent words, before turning their attention back to me.

"You are dismissed Padawan Vesper. Rest and resume your normal activities. We will call for you again soon."

I nodded to him, bowing and then turned to exit.

The moment I was out of the chambers, I let my tears fall. My Master was gone. The Council knows about my weird vision. I don't even have a new Master yet. Hell, they didn't even bring that up!

I decided to go to the one person I knew I could always count on for help.



As soon as Moira left the room the Council members looked among each other for the third time today. The silence dragged on until Master Mundi spoke."Master Di, might have been right. The signs are there. No one just experiences that type of vision or physical pain unless..." His voice trailing off.

Master Yoda nodded at this. "Tested, she will be. Know for sure, we will. Ready the barrier release, we will. If calls her the Force does, follow the pull, she will." Mutters of agreement echoed through the chamber.

"But no one this young has ever been called or received it." Master Windu said, a slight frown forming.

"If chosen she is, a guide she will have. Remember this, you should." Master Yoda explained calmly.

A quiet knock came from the door. The next meeting was about to begin.

"Leave this room, the conversation will not." Master Yoda stated, leaving no room for argument, as the doors to the room opened. 

Author's Notes: Lot of weight for a 16 year old to carry. I feel kinda bad for Moira.

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