Chapter 20: Hope

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"When they knock me down, do I stand up...or stay down?"

Moira becomes entangled in a web of emotions.


I stayed curled into a ball. I didn't know how much time had passed, but I didn't care. I deserved this. I deserved to feel this pain. I attacked him. I attacked Master Plo. He almost died... because of me. I cried for hours, until my body could give no more and I passed out.

I woke up to the sound of light knocking at my door. My head ached and my eyes burned from the tears. The knocking started again, only getting louder. I didn't move.

"Kid." A soft voice called from the other side of the door. It was Sinker.

"It's gonna be alright. Whatever happened in there, I'm sure there's an explanation."

Another voice called from behind the door, though I couldn't recognize it.

"Come on Little Pup, it's gonna be alright. Just open up the door."


The sound of their voices, so innocent, so ignorant, brought a new round of fresh tears to my eyes. I cried silently, my body began to shake. They tried knocking again, but I didn't move, even as I heard the fiddling of the lock followed by a click, as the door opened up.

I curled up into a tight ball, trying to disappear into the wall, as I was curled up at the end of the bed. My body continued to shake.

I looked up to see Sinker, Boost and Comet talk into the room together. I darted my eyes to the floor, too scared to see their faces. As they looked upon me, a monster.

"Pup." Boost cooed out slightly. I flinched at his voice, curling myself in even tighter, well if that was even possible. I could sense their sadness rolling out in waves of pain and uncertainty as they debated what to do.

They hadn't moved from their spots. They looked at each other, having a silent conversation, before Boost and Comet sighed, exiting the room, closing the door behind them.

Leaving Sinker and I alone.

"Kid." he said, reaching out a hand towards me.


"Stay back!" I shouted, pushing myself into the corner even more. He paused, looking at me, heart broken. My dams broke again.

"Please." I whispered. " I don't want to hurt you too." I said between silent cries. Sinker slowly retracted his hand, before sitting down on the ground, observing me as I continued to ball my eyes out.

I don't know how much time had passed. I continued to cry, until I tired myself out to the point I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was numb.

I got up the courage to look up at Sinker. He had a blank expression, as he just continued to stare at me.

"Please kill me." I said, barely above a whisper. I deserved it.

Sinker froze at my words, shaking his head as I swear I could see his eyes start to water.

"Oh, Emily." he said softly, choking on his words. A few tears trailing down his face.


Neither of us moved.

"Please... just go." I whimpered, unable to look at him anymore.

Reluctantly, Sinker nodded, before rising from his place on the floor, and headed out, the door closing behind him. Leaving me in darkness.

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