ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10: ɪ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ

972 31 4

"When we see the dots, we can draw the line."

Obi-Wan gives some insight.


I slowly came to. Unaware of my surroundings, until I looked above me and saw the familiar ceiling, staring down at me. With a soft groan, I pushed myself up. They must have caught me and brought me back to the Temple. I huffed to myself in annoyance, already planning my next escape attempt. Before I could finish it, the door opened with a hiss to reveal Obi-Wan staring at me. A sad smile forming on his lips.

I said nothing to him and just continued to stare at the carpet flooring of my room. I heard Obi-Wan sigh before taking a seat on the opposite end of the room across from me.

We sat there in silence, my annoyance growing every minute. I know it was not the Jedi way to give into such emotions, but given how my life has been these past two weeks, I think I've more than earned the right to feel somewhat human.

"I understand your frustration." Obi-Wan said.

I mentally scolded myself, he had read my mind and I hadn't even noticed. I have got to start raising my shields sooner.

"It's a lot to take in, I know. But, perhaps there is another way we can look at this." he said, going into negotiator mode. I mentally rolled my eyes. This was not the Obi-Wan who meditated with me, and took the time to actually check on me and see how I was doing as a person. No. This was the Negotiator, and he meant business.

"Being chosen as the Crystal Bearer is one of the highest honors someone can be given. You must realize that the Crystal hasn't called anyone in the last 1000 years. You should be proud that you have been given this opportunity. I know many people who would want to be in your shoes right now." he explained.

I still didn't look up at him. "Then give someone else this stupid stone! I want nothing to do with it!" I grumbled out, pouting slightly.

I could feel the disappointment radiating off of him.

"You already know, there are only two ways to get rid of that Crystal. Call me crazy, but you don't strike me as the type of person who would want to kill themselves just to get a necklace off." He said dryly.

I perked up at this slightly. "What's the other way to get it off?" I asked him curiously.

Obi-Wan looked at me hesitantly before sighing. "The only other way would be if the Crystal breaks it's connection with you."

I leaned towards him. I may have just found a solution to this mess.

"How can I get it to break the connection?"

"You don't. Only the Crystal can break the connection, and the only way that will happen is if you fail a Trial."

I looked at Obi-Wan confused. "What Trial?"

"The Guardian Trials. The Crystal will test the Bearer over a period of time to see if they pass the Trials. If a Trial is failed, then the Crystal will break the connection to the Bearer." he said simply.

"So, if I fail a Trial, the Crystal will disconnect from me?" I asked hopefully.

Obi-Wan nodded slightly.

"Great! So I just have to fail a Trial and this thing will fall right off. Sounds simple enough." I said smiling.

Obi-Wan shook his head, chuckling slightly.

"What's so funny?" I asked him.

"The Crystal can read your intentions. If it knows you are trying to fail on purpose, it will simply wait until it knows you are genuinely acting as yourself." he said, giving me a slightly apologetic smile.

"Then I simply won't use the power." I said defiantly.

Obi-Wan looked at me sternly.

"Have you considered what that would do to the people that need the Crystal's help? If you don't learn to harness the power, then you are signing away the lives of those who may need your help in the future. How is that fair to them?" he countered.

I glared at him harshly, before sighing. "You know that's not what I meant. I am not trying to punish others, but I do not want to just sign away my freedom to a stupid rock!" I yelled back, taking a slight breath.

"I can't be what they want me to be." I mutter softly.

"Can't or don't want to?" Obi-Wan asked, giving me a pointed look.

"Both!" I yelled out in frustration.

"You wouldn't understand! No one gets what it feels like to have your Master ripped away from you! And days after have the whole Order place an enormous responsibility on your shoulders!"

"I do." Obi-Wan said quietly.

I glared at him, until I realized what he was implying.

I sat there, silently. Obi-Wan took that as his cue to continue.

"Remember what I told you a few days ago. I know what it is like to suddenly lose a Master. I also understand what it is like to have something pushed on you. You have to understand, one day I was working with my Master to negotiate trade concerns, the next I was made a Knight. And my Master's dying wish was for me to train an apprentice. An apprentice who many believe is the Chosen One."

I mulled over his words, in deep thought. I refused to make eye contact with him.

"The pain and confusion you are feeling right now, I understand, because I too know the feeling. I know it all too well, but you must learn to come to the reality of your situation. Master Di died in service to the Republic, to the Order, and in a way, he died for you. He passed on his teachings to you, in hopes that you would use them throughout the remainder of your life. Do not let his sacrifice be in vain. Did you know, it was your Master's final wish for the Council to test and see if you were worthy of the Crystal?" he asked me.

I snapped my gaze to him in shock. I still couldn't form proper words.

Obi-Wan continued, never once breaking eye contact. "Your Master believed that you were being called by the Crystal. He saw something in you, and it looks like he was right. Don't allow your emotions to cloud you from doing your duty the Crystal has chosen you for." And with that Obi-Wan rose from his seat  and headed to the door.

Right before he stepped out, he paused, looking over his shoulder. "If you won't do it for the Order, then do it for Master Di. After everything he has done, it's the least you can do. " he said softly, before closing the door behind him. Leaving me in darkness.

'Don't let his sacrifice be in vain.'

Those words continued to replay in my mind. The anger I felt, morphed into a quiet guilt, as I laid my head down on the mat. Struggling to push down the pain, until I drifted off to sleep.


A dark chamber, no light in sight. The only sign of life coming from the flicker of a hologram.

"I have felt a disturbance in the Force." A grave voice said.

"The Crystal has chosen a new Bearer. We must act swiftly, or I fear my plans will be ruined." the hologram said, glancing down at the kneeled figure.

"What would you have me do, Master?" Dooku asked, raising his head.

"The Bearer is weak, I can sense it. They have yet to tap into the power of the Crystal. Send your best assassin to make quick work of them. The sooner the Bearer is gone, the better."

"It will be done my Lord."

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