chapter ten: rollercoaster

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Clays thoughts, third person POV:

"can we talk first?" George asks warmly.

"i guess we need to." Clay stares down at his lap, picking at his nail polish

"okay, i don't really know how to start. Um, ca- can you tell me w-"

"can you tell me why you were searching thorough my stuff?" Clay interrupts.

"I forgot toothpaste and I went to your bathroom to get some and saw the boxes. It was wrong, but i was just so curious as to what was in there." George places and hand on this thigh in comfort.

"well curiosity killed the fucking cat, George." he replied sternly, pushing George's hand away.

"i know.. i'm sorry."

After a moment of silence, George asked another question.

"Clay, who's Marcus?"

Clay immediately broke down once again. Not sobbing as hard as before but nonetheless, crying pretty hard. George replaces his hand, which this time he accepts.

"short story or long story?"

"i got time."

"We met when we were both in high school, around the same time i met you, because, we were neighbors. We hit it off pretty fast, hanging out almost everyday. Our bond just never really faded and we continued to be friends for years, moving in together when our manhunt videos became popular enough for me to buy us a house. I never told my online friends, or youtube about him because he hated attention. But um. He got uh, he got raped, about a year ago and I knew he was struggling. I knew he was depressed and i tried to be there for him but it was no where near enough. uh.. so apparently he was sui- suicidal" his voice cracked and he paused to take a deep breath.

"i'm sorry i've never talked about this before."

"take your time, it's okay. I'm here for you"

He felt the cool ocean breeze calm his nerves. you got this clay he told himself.

"we were just hanging out one day, and he got in the bath. I said something to him while i walked past, i don't remember what, and he replied saying his goodbyes and how much he loved me. and i uh started trying to like kick the door in but i'm so fucking weak. i'm so fucking weak george." he sobbed a little and felt George rub circles on his back, comforting him. "i ran downstairs but i slipped on a cup, oh yeah i had dishes i dropped and i slipped and hit my head but i got up and ran and got keys and i tried every key and they wouldn't work i kept trying keys and keys and keys and none of them would fucking work and"

George noticed him getting worked up and pulled him into a hug.

"shhh it's okay my love" my love? That just made Clay cry even harder. Does that mean George had feelings for him too? Or was he just saying that in an effort to calm him down?
He kept that thought in the back of his mind, and continued with the story once George released him.


(i'm sorry for the sudden change in POVS, i just think this part would be better from George's.)
Georges thoughts, third person POV:

"The key finally worked and i walked in and he had slit his wrists completely open. And here's the part that sucks, instead of saving his life i just sat there and screamed like a little fucking pussy. And get this, i'm such a fuck up, i could even call 911 right. I got the number wrong twice then passed out after i said my address. I'm so fucking weak and worthless George. I'm such a coward, i can't even show my face on the internet, I basically killed my best friend, and am in love with my best friend. I- I tried to kill myself and end it, but i can't even do that correctly." Clay pulled up his sleeve and ripped off a bandaid that had been on his wrist since George had gotten there. It revealed a thin, deep, scar from where Clay had started to slit his wrist but stopped. George felt tears dwell in his eyes as his breathing completely stopped. He felt something start rising in his stomach, which he thought was just nerves. He was proved wrong when he vomited all over the side walk.

"god, i'm sorry" George wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist, then the back of his wrist onto his pants.

"no, i'm sorry. i should've warned you"

"i, i just hate seeing you like that. i'm so sorry i didn't notice sooner."

"don't be, you save my life"

George was confused on what he meant. He couldn't have saved his life, he didn't even know he was going to do it.

"what?" his accent heavy.

"i was in the bathtub, razor in my wrist, moments from sliding it into a vein when you called me. I almost declined, but thought maybe being able to say goodbye would be a good thing. When I heard you'd be coming, i couldn't let you be the one to find me. That would do to you what it did to me, which led me to be in that bathtub. I just couldn't do that to you."

"you know i'm always here for you, i'll help you get help and stick with you through everything. You're my best friend"

(play the song at the top now for special effects if you'd like. If you try to time the beat drop with the kiss it hits the best. thank you!)

"I really didn't want you to find out my feelings for you this way. I respect that you're straight and would never do anything to jeopardize loosing you. That note is so beyond too far and i understand that."

"did you mean it?"

"mean.. what?"

"what you said. In the note?"

"George, of course I mean it. I think you're so amazing in all that you do. You're talented, and smart, and sexy and i love everything about you. I love how you lick your lips when your focused, i love how your hair looks when it's wet, i love how you eat that stupid grandma candy"

George giggles through his tears, not realizing he'd started crying again, but this time tears of joy.

"I love describing colors to you, and smelling your vanilla shampoo, and I even love how you look when you cry. I understand that you don't feel the same way and that's perfectly fi-"

"just kiss me you idiot"

kiss me like the world is gonna disappear 

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kiss me like the world is gonna disappear 

Clay, without hesitation, grabs a handful of George's sweater and closes the space between them. After all these years, after 7 years of loving George Davison, Clay was finally able to feel their lips together. They fit perfectly together, like a missing piece to a puzzle that Clay already knew how to put together, but was waiting for George to figure out. This kiss was anything but gentle. It was hungry, passionate, and needy. Years and years of pent up sexual tension, all leading to this moment. Clay had a deep desire for George, and he could tell it was a mutual feeling. They both fought for dominance for what felt like hours, eventually having to come up for air. Their faces were still inches apart, both of them breathing heavily, hair blowing in the breeze.

"And here i was think you were straight." Dream cracks a joke that lightens the mood, making them both erupt into laughter. They had just been on a roller coaster of different emotions. Fear, anger, sadness, love, lust, and  finally, joy.

"what does this mean, dreamy?"

-word count : 1298-

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