Start from the beginning

Revenge surely felt good, especially for Isioma.


8:25 PM, same day.

“Honey, I'm home!” Mr. Rochas announced, closing his door, quite tired from the day's 'work'. His tired eyes drifted to his family's pictures on the wall as he crashed on his sofa, and then a smirk crossed his lips as he saw an old picture of his wife in her fitted police uniform, looking so young and vibrant.

Those were the days when he would spend hours gushing over her beauty, upholding her like a Greek goddess, but now she was all worn out and faded to him, which was why he was out there chasing youngblood lately.

“Honey?” He called again, dropping his briefcase on the glass table. “Where are you?”

“I'm coming.” She answered, walking down the stairs, her heels clicking with reckless abandon. Soon, she was downstairs, posing menacingly before her husband with a stiff, unwelcoming look on her face.

Rochas had expected a warm “Welcome home!” and the usual hugs from his wife, Agatha, but what he got was a thick brown envelope which she tossed to him instead, and he sensed danger when she said, “Explain that.”

The fact that she had one arm concealed behind her didn't help matters at all. She seemed to be hiding something from him.

“What's this?” Rochas opened the envelope, confused. However, he almost choked back those words when he set his eyes on the content of the envelope. “Oh my God!”

“So that's the girl you're screwing now, right?” Agatha said without moving an inch. “A girl came here today and told me about how you unjustly scored her class test, all because of your affair with her enemy. Initially, I thought she was kidding, until she showed me those pictures of you and the glamorous lady making out in your office and in your car. How beautiful. What's her name? She's so cute.”

Rochas was still shaken from the shock he got from seeing the pictures, and his wife's sarcastic tone and her strong presence weren't even letting him think straight right now.

“I can… I can explain.”

“Oh, please do. Take your time.” Agatha sat down opposite Rochas, still concealing her left hand from his sight as she crossed her legs. “I'm all ears, dear.”

Rochas was utterly dumbfounded. The only things on his mind right now were, how did Isioma snap these pictures without his awareness, especially the shots in his office? How did she know about his house, and his wife too? These weren't even photoshopped images, to begin with. They were all real and clear as crystal, and there was no getting around this one for him. He knew that well enough.

“I'm still waiting, dear.”

“Honey, I… I don't know what to s-say.”

“That's right.” Agatha pointed her official gun at her husband's face. “I know you don't.”

Pure fear surged through Rochas' entire body at once. “Jesus!”

“Leave our Lord Jesus out of this.” Agatha stood up, heading towards Rochas. “So, wait, let me get this straight; we've been married for over twenty-five years with three grownups who are doing well in their respective fields in life, and I've always been the loyal wife to you, offering all the support I can and loving you unconditionally, and this is what I get in return?”

Rochas was fretting miserably. He was literally about to wet his pants. “Let me explain. I swear it's not what you think.”

“Shut up your gutter, let me talk!” Agatha raved, putting her finger on the trigger. “Rochas, there were times when people talked smack about you but I never let them degrade my love for you. Times when you fell bankrupt but I stood by you. Times when you felt weak but I strengthened you, and all of a sudden you trashed our memories to oblivion just because of a petty little girl whom you're old enough to father? A girl who isn't even up to quarter of our last born's age? What is your problem, Rochas? What have I done to deserve this from you?”

Silence was what Agatha got from Rochas. He was pasty-faced, overwhelmed by fear.

“Now, let me tell you something.” Agatha leaned in and pressed the gun against Rochas' forehead. “I'm not as dumb as you think I am. I've actually gotten the signs of your waywardness several times before, but I never let my suspicions drive me into baseless conclusions. But today, I've gotten all the proof I need, and despite how hurt I actually am right now, I won't let your stupidity make me do something I'd regret for the rest of my life.”

Rochas swallowed hard, shutting his eyes tightly. He knew what this high-ranking policewoman was capable of doing whenever she was extremely mad at someone. In fact, he still had a big scar on his right thigh that he'd sustained from a serious fight he had with her some years ago, which served as a constant reminder for him not to ever mess with her anyhow he liked.

“Open your eyes.” Agatha ordered, and Rochas obeyed at once. “Good. I have just two things I'd like you to do for me. Are you listening?”

Rochas nodded, blinking repeatedly, his body shaking like mad.

“One, cancel whatever you have with that small girl from this moment on. Am I clear?”

Rochas nodded again.

“I said am I clear? Talk to me!”

“Yes! Crystal clear!”

“Good.” Agatha exhaled, directing her lips to Rochas' left ear this time around. “And two, you better restore Isioma's rightful score and don't disturb her anymore, or else, if you do and I get to know about it,” she whispered, “you wouldn't like the outcome, I guarantee you.”

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