Start from the beginning

“Give me your phone.” Yomi stood up, approaching her, his hand wide open to her.

“Why?” Candice's smile disappeared, her face contorting sporadically.

“Just give it to me, Candice.” Yomi halted before her, his tone unbelievably chill. “I'm not asking for much, am I?”

“No, but my phone is my personal stuff.” Candice took a step back, holding her phone firmly. “Respect my privacy.”

“Babe, you use my phone all the time and I've never complained, not even for once.” Yomi stated clearly, still extending his open hand to Candice. “And I've always respected your privacy, that's why I've never ever toyed with your phone before. So why can't you just do me this one favor and hand it over to me?”

“Sorry, but I can't.” Candice insisted, headstrongly. “It's my phone, so I can decide on what to do with it. And if you truly love me, you'd respect my decision, Yomi.”

“My friend give me that phone jor!” Yomi flared up, snatching the phone from her in one swift motion.

Ordinarily, he'd expected Candice to brawl with him, but she surprisingly stayed cool with her arms crossed whilst smirking. He didn't understand why she was so calm until he clicked on her phone's screen.

“What's your password?” He looked up at her, alarmed.

“Why don't you just take a big, wild guess, Mr. Know It All?”

“I'm not playing with you, Candice.” Yomi cautioned her sternly. “What is your password?”

“My password is s-c-r-e-w-y-o-u.” Candice stated sarcastically. “Make sure it's all in caps.”

Yomi's anger doubled up as he grabbed Candice's hand with frustration, attempting to use the fingerprint method instead, but she balled her hands into fists, refusing to be subdued.

“Leave me alone!” She complained, struggling with him. “Yomi I will scream o!”

“Open your damn phone for me!” Yomi vented, gripping her tightly. “You can scream your lungs out for all I care!”

“Oh, oh, really? Is that so?” Candice accepted his challenge, warming up for a little dramatic session. “Somebody help! Help me!”

“Stop screaming!”

“Help! Somebody please help me!” Candice screamed louder. “This man wants to rape me! Help me please!”

Yomi quickly freed her, stepping away in shock. “Keep your mouth shut, for God's sake!”

Candice cracked up at that, especially at the horrified look on Yomi's face. “Look at your face! Priceless!”

“Have you lost your damn mind, Candice?” Yomi spewed venomously. “Why were you screaming like a mad woman? Are you mad?”

“I haven't even started anything sef.” Candice stretched her hand to Yomi, panting. “Give me my phone now unless you want me to perform more drama here.”

Yomi stood still, petrified. He was between a rock and a hard place.

Firstly, if he gives Candice her phone back, she'd probably feel superior over him, knowing full-well that she could always have her way in any situation with him. Also, if he refuses to adhere to her will, she'd definitely scream her lungs out and land him in trouble, and trouble was the last thing Yomi needed today.

Either way, it was a win-win for Candice, so Yomi swallowed his pride and returned her phone quietly.

“Good boy.” Candice purred, walking majestically to the door, her bag in her hand. “Catch ya later.”

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