Pomelia had somewhat taken her role with an ease that not too many people could say they had ever witnessed. She was a confidant, a sister, a friend to the women and girls in the pack. They appreciated her kindness which they never had the chance to see from most of their home packs.

Warren was a familiar, silent, and unmoving force in the pack. He was always there and everyone had gotten so used to him being silent it was hard and a little odd for the men in the pack to call him Alpha. Did they have an issue with him? No. Were they all terrified of him? Yes. Was Warren constantly having to break them out of the disgusting and awful habits of what Khan deemed acceptable? Yes.

It was an uphill battle for them and their battle seemed to be increasing with opposing forces as they were planning a meeting to implement some rules. Rules that the former Alpha never thought of.  It stressed him out but he tried to think of the happier changes that were happening.

Pomelia was freer now than ever and it showed in her demeanor and attitude. She was the same pure-hearted woman but she had changed. For the good of course. She was more independent, outspoken and she wanted to be a part of the pack members' lives. They were doing great...so far.

After Pom's shower, War hopped in next, resisting the urge to grab her ass as she rushed by him as if she knew what he was thinking. He took a quick shower, the meeting and the potential dumpster fire waiting to happen not registering in his mind as he was high off happiness with his relationship with his mate.

Once he got out of the shower, he toweled off in the room, watching Pomelia dress. He observed her with a smile, leaning against the wooden frame of the bathroom door as he watched her dress.

She slipped on a dress that the novice Pomelia wouldn't dare wear. War still thought it was extremely modest in modern standards but to his mate, she was wearing something that her old self would probably cry or faint at the task at wearing.

It was a dress that didn't have sleeves, instead of a thick band on top of her shoulders. It reached down to just above her knees. Showing off her calves. And she even wore sandals.

"War why do you always stare at me when I dress?"

He wanted to say he stared at her all the time just to make sure she was real, but he was quiet. "I stare at you when you undress too." She grabbed her towel at threw it at him. "I just like to watch how far you've come. You used to worry about your ankles showing."

She laughed softly. "That's true. Oh, and you used to be afraid to talk to me."

He still was sometimes. He was afraid he would say something wrong and this beautiful thing they had would come crashing down in front of him. Well, it wasn't a thing, it was love.

"I'm not afraid anymore, " he told her as she rolled her eyes. If it weren't for them having to have this meeting today War would most definitely be talking his mate out of her nice little dress and sinking his cock into its forever home again today before they started their day. Or just holding her and watching her watch tv. It was more entertaining than actual television.

Pomelia giggled. "I'm glad. Now stop staring at me as if you are going to rip my dress in half." War smirked and she gasped.

"Warren Apsel do not come near me! I will not have another dress destroyed because of you."

He decided to tease her and mocked her as if he was about to come and grab her up. "No!"

Pomelia Grace rushed to the door and flung it open. He couldn't blame his mate for running from him. Not at all. Their sessions were never quick, he always took his time with his mate and they had somewhere to be. Pomelia hated being late.

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