"Well thank god I didn't," Y/n muttered playfully. "Ow! Baba!" she laughed as her grandma smacked her arm.

"Mya has a great life! A life you should be eager to start."

Y/n smiled, "Yes, she does have a great life. Just not the kind of life I want."

"Just like your parents and your grandfather. Too concerned with saving the world," she shook her head as she looked at Y/n. "You must be so tired. It's a heavy burden to bare."

Y/n just smiled as her grandma gently reached up to touch her face.

Hearing that made me want to rush over to Y/n and be there for her through it all... But now I was one of the people making the weight of it all even heavier for her.

"Now, introduce me to your suitors already," Baba ordered as her attention switched back to us, making me smile a bit.

Y/n just rolled her eyes and shook her head, deciding not to even put up a fight anymore.

"Well, this is Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, and Geto Suguru."

We all bowed as we greeted her and introduced ourselves. Her grandma eyed us carefully. We never did find out just how much she knew about sorcery and protectors, but she must know at least some of it.

"It must have been a long journey, but thank you for bringing my dear Y/n home to see me."

"Of course. It's an honor to meet you ma'am," Nanami bowed his head.

"Baba is fine," she said as Y/n helped her to her feet. "Now please, come inside for tea."

"Apologies Baba, but we were hoping to explore the area a bit before the sun goes down," Satoru spoke up.

Baba turned her head back slightly to look at us, shaking her head, "Turning down an invitation from an old woman... Y/n, you're not allowed to date that one."

Y/n shot us a smirk before continuing to help her grandma inside, and it took everything I had not to laugh out loud. Nanami followed them, and I just patted Satoru's shoulder.

"What is with this family?" he looked at me with shock.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Come on." He mumbled something but he trailed behind me.

After Y/n helped Baba sit, she went off to make the tea. I crossed my legs as I sat and watched the neighboring room to catch glimpses of Y/n walking by.

I really missed her.

"Y/n can show you around the village tomorrow morning," her grandma finally spoke. "Tonight I'd like to spend as much time with her as I can."

"We actually weren't planning to stay," Satoru said in the kindest voice I had ever heard him use.

"Cross your legs correctly," she ordered, and he quickly adjusted himself. It was funny to see him like this. "Good. Now, you will be staying."

It was so clear where Y/n got her feistiness from. Baba was old, but she was intimidating as hell, demanding respect from everyone around her. Just like Y/n.

Y/n walked back in with a small tray, passing out everything as she hummed softly to herself.

"Y/n dear, after tea, would you like to help me with dinner?"

"Oh... Well, our plans are-"

Baba quickly cut her off, "You'll be staying here for the night."

"Are we?" she laughed as she looked at us, and we all nodded silently. "Alright then. I'll make dinner right away."

"Would you like help?" Nanami offered as he was already beginning to stand.

"Sure! I was thinking zaru soba" she smiled at me. "How does that sound?"

Baba nodded approvingly, "I've missed your cooking."

Y/n blushed as she looked at me, making my entire body ache to hold her. She remembered my favorite food... and she was making it for me.

Why does she love me so much?

"Mm," she smiled as she kissed her grandma's head. "I'll make dessert too then!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as they both walked back into the kitchen. She definitely just wanted an excuse for something sweet.

I sat there silently enjoying the tea when Satoru excused himself for a moment, leaving me alone with Baba.

My heart pounded against my chest with how nervous I was. Should I talk to her? Try to get to know Y/n's family?

"So," she interrupted my thoughts. "How long has my granddaughter been in love with you?"

I almost dropped the teacup I was holding when she asked me that. And I honestly had no idea how to answer.

"It's ok dear," she reassured me. "I could tell she was in love the moment I saw her eyes. And when she said your name, that's all I needed to know it was you who had her heart."

I rubbed my now sweaty hands across my pants, trying to calm myself down even a little bit. I was not expecting this.

I couldn't believe she could tell... And having it confirmed by the person closest to Y/n felt like a dream.

"I'm sure you've already learned how pure of a soul she has."

"Yes, I have," I answered softly.

"Your eyes speak of conflict, not love."

I had to fight back tears as she spoke. I was just so tired. I wanted more than anything to be able to give Y/n the whole world, but it just seemed like the whole world was against us.

"I do love her."

She sighed softly, "Y/n loves fully and unconditionally, so she'll fight for you. Even so, don't mistake her strength for invincibility. She's always been a fighter, but she's fragile."

"And if you choose her, please take care of her."

I looked over at her grandma who was now refocused on her tea. Satoru joined us again, and all I could think about was Y/n.

"Baba, would you like to eat outside? It's a nice evening," Y/n asked as she came back in, her hair pulled back and a little messy as she wore an apron.

I was confused about so much, but the one thing I knew for sure was that I'd give anything to have a life with her if that's what she wanted too.

"Mm, that sounds wonderful. Geto, will you help an old woman up?"

Y/n shot me a confused look, "That's ok Baba. I'll help you."

"No thank you," her grandma looked at me again. "Geto?"

"Right. Of course," I hurried over to help her stand, guiding her towards the back door.

She patted my hand softly as we walked outside, "You don't need to be afraid. She'll take care of you too."

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