Bonding With Merle Dixon

Start from the beginning

"You darling, have more balls than my little brother" Merle says, I get up and drag the small blanket with a lot of shirts on it, I set it next to T-Dog, T-Dog gives me a small smile, I frown at his bruises and open my backpack. I think I still have those alcohol wipes. I grab one and sit up.
"Please dont be mad at me" I say, keeping the alcohol wipe behind my back.
"Why would I be mad?" He asks, I smile apologetically. 

I quickly remove the wipe from behind my back and put it to the bruise on his cheek.
"Raven!" He says, I shrug.
"Sorry, Mr. T. Don't want it to get infected" I say, he smiles slightly.
"Its fine, kid" T says, I look at Merle and pout at him.
"Did you have to punch him so hard?" I ask, Merle looks away.
"Dixon doesn't have a nasty comment for once. Where are the flying pigs?" T asks, I flick his arm.
"Stop moving" I mumble.

Merle just sits there watching us.


I dont know how we ended up here.

While everyone watches Glenn and Rick walk through the herd of walkers while covered in guts, I put down three empty water bottles to catch some of the rain that started falling.

"What are ya doin', lil girlie?" Merle asks, I look at him.
"Catching the rain so I can have something to drink later" I say, Merle nods.
"The rain is stopping"
"Doesn't matter they're caught anyway"

After a while I pour water into one water bottle. 2/5ths of a water bottle filled. That'll have to do.

"Are they leaving us?!" I hear, I turn around. Leaving?

"Get….. to the…. Roll up doors… at the bottom floor" The radio thing says.
Everyone runs around grabbing their bags and run down the stairs. Leaving Merle, Morales, T-Dog and me on the roof.
"T! Get Merle. Raven come with me!" Morales says, I follow him but stop when I see him get far enough down the stairs, I look back at T-Dog seeing him not facing the roof door anymore so I quickly go back out and hide on the side. 

"You did that on purpose!" Merle yells, I flinch. Merle continues yelling, I hear the roof door close and metal hitting metal on the other side then footsteps. Merle yells some more. Merle is still here. I walk out from hiding and watch Merle have a mental breakdown.

I walk to my area, grab my backpack then walk over to Merle, I sit across from him, I set my backpack on the makeshift bed and I sit next to it.
When Merle notices me he gets confused.
"Why ain't you with the pansies?" He asks, I open my backpack and grab The winter of red snow book out.
"T thought I went with Morales. Morales thinks I stayed to help T. But, by now they might know I'm with neither" I say, rubbing my eyes when I get dizzy again. I put my book down and put my head in my hands.
"Why?" Merle asks, I look at him, atleast I think it's him I'm looking at.

"I know your brother will come back for you. You seem close considering you were hunting together. Also, I dont want you to go crazy cause of too much sun, sooooo. Sorry but you're stuck with me" I say. He looks at me like he doesn't believe me, I sigh and get up slowly. I open my backpack and take out some short rope. I take off the dog tags around my neck, click off the chain, take one of the dog tags off and slip it on the rope. I tie the rope to make sure the tag doesn't fall off. I go to Merle and set it in his hand.

"I know, they will come. If nobody else does, your brother will. And Rick doesn't seem like the one who would leave someone to die. He'll come back also. Until then, hold onto this. I always considered it good luck" I say, Merle just grunts but holds onto it anyway. Probably to just let my childish mind be.

"Had some good squirrel for dinner last night. You?" Merle says, I shake my head no, looking over the roof wall. Merle scoffs.
"No? Wha' bout all them squirrels ya caught. Didn't ya eat one" Merle says, I shake my head no.
"I can kill them. Just can't gut them. Never learned" I say, Merle groans.
"Your grandpappy sure was a real one" Merle says, sarcastically, I glare at him.
"What'd he even teach ya?" Merle asks, I slightly smile.
"Taught me to shoot his revolver. Use my slingshot. Track. Make coffee without a coffee maker. Just his stories of when he was in war taught me things" I say, Merle nods.
"Well. I dont see a shiny little gun on your belt, so it in your bag" Merle says, I nod.

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