Chapter 5 Lab Puppet?

Start from the beginning

He could see that the man carrying Mary over his shoulder was oblivious to his approach, focused instead on reaching up to open the door of the helicopter as he used his other hand to steady the floppy, unconscious body on his shoulder. Callin darted forward, slamming one hand into the man's temple, and reached out with the other to catch Mary as she fell.

The man crumpled to the ground like his bones had turned to Jello, his eyes rolled back and unmoving. Callin could hear his heartbeat, and he knew the man was simply unconscious. He gently laid Mary down on the pavement, and then vaulted up into the helicopter, pressing his claws to the neck of the one in the pilots seat.

"Do not move or I'll rip out your throat." Callin hissed in his ear.

The man, obviously surprised but not reacting with panic, simply nodded. He knew Callin wanted something, otherwise he would simply be dead. So now was not the time to panic.

"Where were you taking them?" Callin asked him, not trying to hide the rippling snarl woven into his words.

He was somewhat impressed when the mans scent didn't shift to fear. He was obviously well trained.

"Our orders were to bring them to Anchorage International Airport."

Callin scowled. This was not what he was expecting to hear, and the mans breathing and heartbeat had stayed steady, telling him he wasn't lying.

"And then what?"

"I don't know. Somebody was to meet us and take them from there."

Callin still sensed only truth. This man knew better than to lie. He likely knew about the folly of lying to telepaths. Callin was not a telepath, but he probably didn't know that.

"How did you find me?" He still held his claws tight against the pilots neck, feeling the heartbeat against his fingers, steady and strong. Life, just beneath the tips of his claws, ready to be torn asunder.

"I don't know. We were just given coordinates."

Callin knew his time was running out. The longer he sat here, the more likely the one he knocked out was going to wake, or possibly the lab would somehow know that he was here and send more teams after him.

"Callin...?" Mary was sitting up on the blacktop, swaying back and forth as her drugged mind fought for consciousness.

Callin narrowed his eyes. This was not good. He had assumed Mary and her children would stay unconscious for quite a bit longer. If they were awake and moving, it could only complicate things.

"Callin, where are my kids!" Mary's voice cracked with panic as she scrambled to her feet, her head swiveling as she realized she had no idea where she was. Callin felt like he could almost see the raw fear for her children sweeping the drug out her system, brutally hurling her back to full wakefulness.

"They are sleeping in that black truck. They are fine." Callin told her.

Mary looked a little relieved at his words, and finally noticed the unconscious man at her feet, and the fact that Callin had his claws pressed against the helicopter pilot's neck. She met his eyes, her expression a simple question.

"These men kidnapped you and your children. They were going to bring you to those who run the lab and they were going to force you and your children to tell them all about me. They would use whatever means necessary, to get you and your children to talk. They should die." Callin was ready to kill both of these men and move on. He did not want them reporting back to their headquarters, getting a larger team organized to come after them. He was confused at himself, wondering why he hadn't killed them already. Wondering why he was waiting for permission from Mary.

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