Chapter 1 "Just the beginning"

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Hi my name is Atlas. I'll be telling this story because this is my story or more specifically this is our story but you'll see what I mean later.

This story takes place in the middle of the school year. I was now a senior in high school. We were in the middle of math. I can't remember what it was we were learning about because I was zoning out. It's a bad habit of mine but then this girl walks into the room. There was something about her I don't know how to describe and I don't know what it was, but there was just something I couldn't figure it out . "Class this is our new student Beatrix" said Mrs. Plum "I...I go by Bea" said Beatrix "well ok then you can go sit in that seat next to Atlas" said Mrs. Plum. Bea walked over and sat down next to me. I kept on staring at her trying to figure out what it was about her that I couldn't seem to figure out. Then I started paying attention to her outfit. She was wearing white converse, a yellow sweater over a white shirt, and some ripped jeans. I was still looking at her until I noticed she was looking back when this happened, I looked away real quick hoping she didn't notice I was staring at her but I think she probably did, I'm really awkward sometimes I don't really have any friends and I spend most of my time if not studying then reading so I don't really to talk to people a whole lot it bothers my parents they're always trying to get me to go out.

After class when the bell rang Mrs. Plum pulled me aside with Beatrix asking me of course out of all people for me to show her around since we had some of the same classes together and I guess since I made all A's and I'm known as you're typically good student. "Can you show Bea around to help her get a little familiar with the place? I don't want her to get lost" asked Mrs. Plum. I said sure but I think it wasn't really a question anyways. "So where are you from?'' I asked "I'm from L.A" Bea replied. I felt like it was kind of awkward for the both of us walking around with what felt like forced conversation. After what felt like forever of silence I asked "why did you move here out of all places L.A seems like an amazing place" She was a little hesitant at first "my dad got a new job here so we had to move besides he thinks it would be good for me whatever that means'' said Bea we both seemed a little more comfortable now and we started talking a little more without it seeming forced "I feel like it's the same here as it is anywhere" I said "really how so" Bea asked "you've got your typical jocks, popular kids who clearly have a low self esteem but will never admit it, the nerds, and the mean girls oh and lets not forget the nobodies" I said "well where are you in all of that" Bea asked "I'm just here existing I guess you could say" I said "yeah you seem like your to good for stuff like that" Bea said. I then walked Bea to her next class "so here we are" I said Bea looked me up and down and then smiled ''thanks" Bea said "thanks for what" I asked "thanks for showing me around and being nice and all" she said. I then smiled back at her "anytime" I replied and then she walked away into her class and I went to mine. For the rest of the day I couldn't help but think about her and her smile my gosh she had the most beautiful smile "I just met this girl I can't be falling for her" "The entire time I've been in school I haven't liked anybody I don't get what makes her different" I thought to myself. Maybe I'm just crazy.

Afterwards when school was over I got on the bus and Bea got on the same bus as me. I didn't think much of it. She walked by me and sat in the seat across from me sitting by herself just staring at the window. Then when it was my turn to get off I noticed Bea got off with me "you stalking me now" Bea asked "no I um... I live here" I said pointing to my house ''well I guess we're neighbors then" Bea said "I guess so" I replied  "see you around neighbor" Bea said. My mom had told me some people were moving in next door but I didn't think much about it. The neighbors we had before Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were an old couple but the wife got really sick and died and I guess the old man couldn't handle life without her in it so he um...he killed himself. What a shame they were really nice. I liked them.

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