Chapter 16

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Jake's video went up two days after they filmed it.

To say it exploded would be an understatement.

Sam and Colby had both posted the link on their own social medias, but Colby hadn't really thought about just how big the video was going to be.

It was almost instantly the most viewed, most popular video on Jake's channel. Sam and Colby's communities reposted the video over and over again, until the views numbered in the hundreds of thousands. It would have surprised Sam if the view count hit the millions by the end of the weekend.

Their communities were elated, thrilled that they were back on camera, back to making videos, even if it was just on someone else's channel. There were a couple of comments about the "loving looks" that Sam and Colby shared, or "#solby" moments, but it was no more than the average video they posted together. Jake had done a good job editing.

Their fans really were going to be okay with everything that had happened.

That in mind, they had decided to try to get back to regular posting next week.

It was a good thing that their slow rejoining of social media was going well, because there were so many other things that definitely were not.

Things with him and Sam were great. Sam was the perfect partner, everything he could have asked for and fantasized about. It was his best friend and love interest all rolled into one.

Things with him and Sam and Kat...

That was a little more complicated.

Week three post rescue proceeded with an uneasy truce. Kat and Colby were both trying hard to be respectful of each other. Kat was nothing but wonderful and understanding and genuine when they were together. He believed that she really was doing the best she could in a rough situation.

It was just rough on Colby's brain, knowing that at any time, Kat was still an option. And while mentally he knew that plenty of people made open relationships and polyamory work... He didn't want that.

Kat didn't seem to be taking it as well either. She said she didn't blame any of it on him, and to her credit, she never made him feel like she did.

But Colby blamed himself. For falling for Sam again, for messing up Sam's perfect relationship. For hurting Kat.

For being too weak and in love to be honest about it with Sam.

He would not be the reason they broke up damn it.

Week four dawned on Colby trying to brainstorm video ideas while Sam got ready for a night over at Kat's. "Trying" because thinking was absolutely not super productive while Colby was busy stressing over the fact that Sam was going to be gone tonight.

No, not just gone... With Kat.

"You going to be okay, babe?" Sam asked quietly, looking at him in concern from the door.

Colby, cuddled up on the couch, nodded. "I'll be fine, dude," Not Love. Colby was a little too hurt for that right now.

Sam sighed. "I'm sorry," He murmured, his face sad. Colby knew the apology was earnest, knew Sam didn't want to hurt him.

"I'll be okay," Colby promised, forcing a smile. "It'll give me some time to catch up on emails and shit. Maybe I'll have Jake over or something."

Sam nodded, pressing his lips together. "Okay," He said finally, "But you need anything... you call me okay? I'll be right there."

Colby nodded, "Okay, bro. I will."

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