Chapter 1

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Sam started to come to to Colby's voice desperately calling his name. "Sam, please wake up, please."

"Colby..." Sam slurred through a tongue that felt like a cotton ball, the fog in his head making focusing on anything a challenge. His face was cold, his hands feeling about ten times their normal size, consciousness slipping through his fingers like trying to hold onto water.

"Sam!" Colby called again, "Come on man, I need you with me right now, I can't..." Sam heard a clanking of metal on metal. "Sam!" Slowly, the fog on his mind was lifting, and the sensory cues his body was trying to send him finally started falling into place.

The ground under his head was cold and hard, and Sam's brain laboriously placed a name to the sensation. Concrete. He was lying on concrete. He shifted his body, moving to push his face off the ground but his hands weren't moving like they should have been, seemingly stuck behind his back. Wait, did he even have hands still? He couldn't feel anything where his hands should be. Panic brought him to full awareness, and Sam opened his eyes to finally take in his surroundings.

Gray concrete beneath his face explained the coldness he had felt, and as awareness seeped back in, he could also faintly feel the cuffs that bound his hands behind him. He sat up as quickly as his restraints would let him, trying to locate Colby.

"Sam, thank fuck you're okay." Sam's wandering eyes found Colby on the other side of the twelve by twelve room he had woken up in. Colby was bound over some sort of table, metal cuffs holding his wrists, ankles and neck in place.

"What the fuck?" Sam hissed, taking in the BDSM contraption that someone had put his friend into. Colby was shirtless, leaving him in only sweatpants, the guy clearly cold and terrified. Sam lurched to his feet, trying not to topple over at the lack of balance due to his inability to move his hands. The blood slowly started to return to his extremities, sending painful pulses of warmth all the way down to his fingertips.

There were tears in Colby's eyes as he approached, and the remnants of them on his face. "God, Colby..." Sam wanted nothing more than to hug his friend, but the restraints prevented him from doing so.

"I woke up tied to this thing, and you weren't moving, and I thought you were dead and I was so scared," Colby whispered, tears escaping his eyes as he gave a fresh wiggle against his restraints. Sam could see that his skin was already red from escape attempts.

"I'm okay Colby, I promise," He tried fiddling with the cuffs holding Colby, but the padlocks and solid metal quickly assured him he wasn't going to make any progress. "Fuck!" He snarled vehemently.

"I've been trying for like an hour," Colby said morosely, "Nothing." He stared up at Sam, eyes wide and terrified. "Dude, what the fuck is going on?"

Sam shrugged helplessly, wiggling his fingers as feeling slowly seeped back into his limbs. The numbness had started to subside, and a ferocious tingling had taken up residence in his hands. He flexed his hands as he continued. "I just remember being at the hotel, and then I think you screamed, and then..." Choking, cloying air in his lungs as he struggled to breath through fabric pressed against his face, darkness creeping into his vision as panic and adrenaline did their damndest to give him a fighting chance, but slipping under anyway... "Someone drugged us," He realized, tears of panic starting to well up in his own eyes.

He wandered over to the door to their room, hoping that perhaps it might be unlocked. It wasn't, of course, and Sam retreated back to Colby. It wasn't like he could leave without Colby anyway. Colby didn't speak for a moment, maybe letting the reality of the situation sink in. "Why did they tie me up like this?" He asked quietly, terror an undercurrent in his voice. "This table is like something out of Fifty Shades of Grey..." Sam couldn't help but agree. With Colby bound so that his neck was pinned in place, his wrists out to either side, and his ankles spread about a meter apart, Sam couldn't help the directions his terrified brain wanted to race down, as this looked way to much like someone was planning to...

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